Don’t Stand On The Sidelines: Get Involved


“Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.”

Simone de Beauvoir

Do you spend time thinking about the value of your life? Of what significance do you associate your life with? Is the value of your life important to you? What contribution do you make to your life on a regular basis? Do others perceive your life as having more value than you do? What actions are you engaged in today and of what relevance are those actions to your life? What are the things you dream to achieve? Are the efforts you are putting in your best? Can you do better to perhaps accelerate your timelines?

You probably didn’t expect this many questions when you read the title and decided to read more. That’s no problem I hope. I find that it is necessary to do a personal self-assessment every now and then, as often as you can make time for. Why is this important? I will tell you.

If you do a quick search all over the world, you will easily find many people who put in so much effort when they participate in external activities that bring them money. They will work hard, stay up late to finish assignments or work longer hours to complete tasks in the office. They will think long and hard about every decision they make in a work environment because the wrong decision may just be fatal. However, when it comes to their individual personal lives, they assume a lax or carefree attitude. They couldn’t be bothered about putting in a little effort.

If your goal is to be successful and wealthy then this is your wake up call: get involved in your life! Don’t be a spectator and watch your life move in just any direction. You will never achieve anything to compliment your life’s worth that way. Never! Take a more active approach to your life, leave little to chance, and oh, don’t wait to do that later. Do it now! 

Do self-assessments, stay up late to figure out how to build your life or move to the next level. Learn new skills, manage your income and expenditure wisely, sacrifice frivolous activities, measure your achievements against your goals, go above and beyond for yourself and think hard and long before you make decisions for your life because the wrong decision may just be fatal.

Take yourself more seriously, act accordingly and see the fruits that will allow you to enjoy life to the fullest! 

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