Changing Your Mindset For Success Takes Time

“Rome was not built in a day”

Li Proverbe au Vilain (1190)

To become successful, you need a certain type of mindset. Think of it in this way, if you want to become an astronaut, there is a specific training you have to go through to achieve that. The same applies for any other type of professional practice. Whether you want to become a musician, painter, movie director, scientist, engineer, plumber, mason, businessperson or chief executive officer (CEO) of any sizable company or business, you need to go through the necessary training to imbibe the discipline required to excel in that area. Interestingly, the training doesn’t always have to be formal. In fact, more often than not, it is informal or semi-formal. Regardless, it is required!

This is because through training, we can learn, unlearn and ultimately develop a new mindset that will enable us to not only succeed but excel on the job! However, training, like anything else that is purposed for good, takes time and cannot be rushed.

Treat yourself with patience

Now, let’s apply this to your dreams. I know you want to be successful in life. If you have been following my posts steadily and applying the ideas (or reminders for some of you) that I have shared, you probably have a game plan to reach your dreams and that’s good! Unfortunately, dream plus plan plus wrong mindset equals failure. Yes, you need to have the right mindset to be successful and developing this mindset takes time. Don’t be like those who are impatient in life or those who are patient with everything else expect themselves. No, be patient. Or, better, treat yourself with patience.

With that said, it is good to set deadlines and practice discipline to accelerate your timelines, but don’t get ahead of yourself. Give yourself room to read a book and think about how to apply useful concepts from them towards your success. Like a baby learning to walk, you don’t need to beat yourself over falling every once in a while. Yes, you can cry if that’s what you need, but pick yourself up and go at it again. After all, repetition is the mother of all learning.

Develop a winning mindset

When you repeat something long enough, you start to see the patterns and you are able to replicate results. Earlier on, when I mentioned that success needs a certain type of mindset, what I meant was a winning mindset. Overall, success is simply winning in spite of challenges. Yes, winning! Every successful person is a winner and every other person is a winner in training. It all comes down to how much of your mind is conditioned to see a win and take it. The more you invest in patiently developing your mind to perceive an advantage and capitalize on it, the more you grow a winning mindset.

Sometimes, you will learn this through overcoming challenges and obstacles. At other times, you learn from other’s experiences. No matter the method, it will take time and guess what, we all have time! Matter of fact, your 24 hour-day allocation is no more or less than I have or any successful person has. It’s the same for everyone—no discrimination on that. So, take that time to build your winning mindset and achieve all your goals and dream. Become the winner you were always meant to be, I’m cheering for you!

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