Drive To Survive: Five More Lessons From Formula 1


Okay. I hope you enjoyed part 1, Drive To Survive: Five Lessons From Formula 1. In this edition, we will be looking at five more lessons. Without wasting much time, let’s get right into it.

Lesson 1: Constant improvement is the game

If nothing at all, F1 teaches constant improvement. Why? To get that teeny-tiny edge that will make the difference. Every team in the paddock does whatever they can, within the rules, to improve their cars for that little advantage. Mercedes, Red Bull, Ferrari, all the way down to Haas. No team sits idle from one race to next because you just don’t know what your competitors have up their sleeves.

How does this translate to real life? It’s simple. Just ask yourself if you’re comfortable and happy where you are. Is your business at the pinnacle of all it can be? Have you attained your full potential? If not, then get to work because your competition is not sleeping. They are wide awake, manufacturing little improvements that will give them an edge. Possibly, over you. So, do the same!

Lesson 2: Don’t be afraid to go after the competition

If someone is ahead, it’s usually because they have an advantage over the others. You don’t get to the top without having an edge over the competition. To stay at the top, you need to keep innovating and improving. You need to do all you can to remain relevant. With this attitude, people who stay at the top for so long discourage competitors from going after them. After all, you may be better off joining them if you can’t beat them, right?

Well, not always. Sometimes you have to take the fight to those dominating the industry and always sitting in that number 1 post. You can be the David that defeats Goliath. Red Bull did that and beat Mercedes to the driver’s championship. I know a lot of Hamilton fans are not happy with the way Verstappen won the championship. At least, I know I am not. Nonetheless, a win, until revoked, will always be a win, regardless of the circumstances leading to it.

So, don’t ever hold back when facing a bigger opposition or a more skillful one. Put in the work and have faith in your own abilities to conquer. Fortune may turn in your favor when you least expect it. Even if it’s just “human error” (wink, wink, at Michael Masi and the FIA).

Lesson 3: Never give up

The true character of a person is revealed when the odds are stacked up against that person. Oh yes, a million times yes because it’s always easy to pretend to be a champion or winner when everything is smooth and running well. When you’re at the front and always leading the pack, you can say or do whatever you like until the tables turn and you have to prove yourself a winner all over again.

Last season, the battle between Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen got to an all-time peak. Verstappen was ahead and Hamilton was, uncharacteristically, behind. Mercedes’ cars were not performing as expected and strategy “errors” lead to more points lost for Hamilton. But, like I said earlier, a champion’s nature comes to the fore when challenged. Hamilton’s never-give-up response proved to be all that was needed to get him back in the title race.

When the odds are against you, don’t give up. Trust in your abilities and have faith in God. After all, fortune favors the brave. Especially, those who don’t give up!

Lesson 4: Never lose your integrity

I always talk about integrity (see The Fastest Way To Personal Integrity, Success: What It Means To Bet On Yourself and Yes! You Can Be Successful And Wealthy Too) because without it, your value decreases fast. Who would want to work with someone they cannot trust? Such people are too unpredictable and difficult to do business with. Businesses thrive when there’s trust and certainty. Certainty helps you to plan and take action because you know your counterpart will deliver as promised.

Last season’s ending in Abu Dhabi was one that will make anyone furious (see Formula 1: ‘Human error’ responsible for incorrect application of rules in Abu Dhabi). Especially, if placed in Hamilton’s shoes. Masi’s decision to let a few cars pass, and early return of the safety car to the pitlane was not a bending of the rules. Masi broke FIA race regulations and created uncertainty in a sport where little mistakes can cause big accidents or death.

Despite that very unpredictable and detestable scenario which cost the seven-time world champion his eighth, Hamilton kept his composure. Yes, everyone was surprised when he went to congratulate Verstappen. Most people expected him to react like anyone else would, be angry and act out. But, he didn’t. For Hamilton, keeping his personal integrity appeared paramount in that situation than anything else. It’s what true champions are made of, integrity.

Lesson 5: Never lose hope

On the other end of Masi’s bad decision was Max Verstappen, the 2021 world champion. The circumstances leading to his win were not ideal or desirable as it may even taint his title. But, again, a win is a win, unless revoked. Verstappen can only be thankful that he did not give up or lose hope. With both drivers even on points, Hamilton was the clear favorite to win that last race in Abu Dhabi after a strong comeback. Nonetheless, Verstappen did not lose hope of becoming champion.

His hopes came alive when human error lead to the temporary change of FIA race regulations and gave him the opportunity to charge Hamilton from behind. He took his chance, overtook Hamilton who was unable to defend and crossed the finished line to become the 2021 world champion.

Who said dreams don’t come true? The person who told you your dreams won’t come true lied, plain and simple. Just keep believing in your abilities and trust God. It only takes a moment for your fortunes to change completely. So, never lose hope!

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