How To Respond To God’s Unfailing Love


Whenever love is not reciprocated, the consequence is a broken heart. God’s heart bleeds when we don’t respond to His love. Today, the hearts of many have become callous and wickedness in various forms can be seen all over the world. Why are people yet to respond to the unfailing love of God? Why are many Christians failing in their relationship with God, our Father? I believe it is because many have taken their eyes off the unfailing love of God. For it is only by constantly responding to God’s love that we can have a deep, meaningful and friendly relationship with Him. As you may already know, responding properly to love plays a critical role in the development of any relationship.

Faithful affections

Just in case you are thinking, what does he mean by unfailing love? Well, the word unfailing means “reliable or constant” while love means “a great interest and pleasure in something” according to the Oxford dictionary. Therefore, the unfailing love of God simply means His reliable or constant great interest and pleasure in us. In other words, His affections towards us will never change, regardless of time or circumstances. We must learn and yearn to respond to this kind of love. It is important to note that not responding consistently to God’s unfailing love can leave us deficient in our walk with Him.

Unfailing love for all humanity

Interestingly, God always initiates our love walk with Him. God’s love propelled Him to send Jesus Christ into this wicked and perverse world to die. An action that clearly demonstrates the extent of His unfailing love for humanity. He then allows us to respond by either accepting or rejecting His love. Essentially, God is just interested in having a personal relationship or fellowship with us, and this is true for every one of us. His unfailing love blinds Him to our weaknesses and frailties.

Let’s look at Abram briefly.

Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Genesis 12:1-3 (New King James Version)

God primarily directed him to move out of his country and father’s house. One may ask: Why would God instruct Abram to leave his relatives and go somewhere else? The reason is simple. God loved Abram and wanted to make him prosperous and great, beyond what he was familiar with. It was truly remarkable of God to initiate contact, but it was up to Abram to respond to the love of God. Indeed, Abram did reciprocate God’s love through obedience and was later adjudged to be a friend of God. Wow, what an honor!

Nothing matters but love

From Deuteronomy 6:5, it is evident that God has a special place in his heart for our love too. Our love for Him may not be as reliable but He appreciates it anyway, and pays attention to the extent to which we respond to His unfailing love. That’s, he consciously anticipates our response to Him. Nothing matters to God than our love for Him because He knows that if He can have our love, He can have our entire being. Really, who better to give our all to than God? Surrendering to God is definitely the best way to say “yes!” to His love.

“You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”

Deuteronomy 6:5 (New King James Version)

We can actively demonstrate our love for God by spending quality time with Him. After saying yes to Him, spend time to study the Word, pray or fast whenever you have the opportunity. These activities are crucial and will help you develop intimacy with Him. In all history, those who have truthfully responded to Him spent time in the Word and engaged in prayer. The degree to which we spend time in the Word and prayer is the same degree to which we experience more with God. Anybody who responds to His love must be ready to progress into studying the Word and prayer. Nowadays, the Word can be found within the pages of the Holy Bible. Prayer, on the other hand, is simply talking with God. We’ll take a closer look at fasting later.

Keep praying and meditate on the Word

Communication is possibly the most important aspect of every good relationship, and its continuity is a true sign of intimacy. Abraham (née Abram) spent time talking with God. It is clear that Abraham had some serious discussions with God on matters related to a whole community (Sodom and Gomorrah, see Genesis 18). Abraham was so intimate with God that even when God planned to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham was allowed to engage in that conversation. God, on His part, did not hide anything from Abraham. You must show great interest in prayer if you are to grow in intimacy with God.

Finally, responding to God’s love means submitting to the authority of His word.

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

Joshua 1:8 (New King James Version)

It is always difficult to submit to something that we have no knowledge about. It’s simply not possible to obey someone we are ignorant about. As a result, we must tirelessly spend time searching and meditating on the scriptures. When you stay with the Word, it’s an indication of your willingness to know and obey God. In contrast, when you don’t spend time searching the Word, it shows that you have no interest in Him, and by extension, don’t love Him.

“There’s nothing more fulfilling in this life than responding to His love.”

May God’s love fill your heart through the power of the Holy Spirit, and may He grant you grace for an intimate relationship with Him through His Word, prayer and fasting. I pray that your life will change for God’s best as you purposefully respond to His love. There’s nothing more fulfilling in this life than responding to His love.

Let’s keep the fire burning until the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ! 

Co-authored with Ferdinand.

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