Never Stop Praying

Life is full of many obstacles that can make us want to give up on any path we choose—whether it’s a dream, business, building or breaking a habit, or really anything worth doing. What do you do when times are tough in order to keep winning? Well, I will suggest that you never stop praying!

I cannot emphasize this enough. It is absolutely important that you pray about whatever you’re doing. Prayer will strengthen your character. It will give you courage and keep you peaceful. You probably already know that a restless heart can’t accomplish anything.

When you pray, you’re inviting God to intervene in your situation. This is more so relevant because you have no control of the action of others. Surrendering in prayer makes way for God to step in and control the things you definitely can’t control and empower you to be consistent with the things within your power. I can go on and on about why you must never avoid prayer in difficult times but I surmise you get the idea of the importance of prayer.

If you are praying, keep at it. If not, it’s about time you started. Don’t you agree?

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