Why The Story-teller Is Important To The Story

Stories of adventure
If I may ask, are you ever completely in control of the story of your life? Do you have full knowledge of what will happen and why they should happen to you? Can you say with absolute certainty that you know everything about yourself? How about all the other characters your story have within them? It is safe to say that the uncertainties we face in our lives, rule us out as being the ultimate story-tellers of our lives. Check this out, we do not even decide where or how we are born, and birth, as we all know, is where our story begins. Someone else must definitely be telling the stories of our lives! Thankfully, we know who that person is!

How To Win When Nothing Seems To Work

Don’t panic
Constantly meeting obstacles or facing challenges when trying to achieve something can be a drain on morale. It can cause sleepless nights and excessive stress. If you've ever dealt with serial disappointments, then you know the associated tears can be a serious drain on your energy, and even though you may want to move on, sometimes the helplessness is paralyzing. How about when you have labored so hard and put in a lot of sweat only to be told NO in the end?