Will God Help Us In Our Day?

Help photo
Life is full of challenges, but the Word of God assures us of His help. God helped Moses lead the Israelites, Joshua conquer lands, and David defeat enemies. With God's strength, we can overcome any difficulty. We must rely on God's help and not try to face challenges alone. This trust will sustain us until the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The Treasonous Man and His Forgiveness

Gallow photo by Johannes Blenke on Unsplash
"Man is a unique specimen in all of nature. Humans are capable of intelligence and creativity that surpasses any known creature's on the planet. Mankind is the finest of everything that exists. Our imagination has filled the world with wonders! It is how our Maker intended it to be and I must say, He did a fine job! The question, however, is is this all our Creator imagined for us? "

3 Reasons Why Democracy And Communism Are Doomed to Fail

Abuse of power
Everybody wants what they want and nobody sacrifices for the other. Therefore, placing trust in people and expecting them to be absolutely moral and selfless in their decisions with regards to others, is a difficult and untenable road. This is more so in the case of democracy where representation is prevalent. In the case of communism, I imagine everybody would have to genuinely care about everyone else which is almost impractical given human nature.

The Unstrung Puppets— pt. 3

puppet family kids
In the great show of life, we are each puppets among a larger group of other puppets and just as described earlier, we each have a purpose whether we accept it or not. To take it further, each purpose is uniquely puppet-specific. The analogy follows then that there should exist a master in the background who plays the role of the controller. But there is a catch, an important one at that, and it's this.

5 Ways Seeking God and His Kingdom Makes You A Winner

compass on a bible and map
Whether you are into business, science, entertainment, arts, raising kids, education, government or any sphere of life, organizing your life by this idea can bring you to a place of permanent peace and prosperity.

The Unstrung Puppets— pt. 2

hanging puppets
This idea is straight-forward but not always easy to come by or accept. It can be said that humans are like puppets who depend almost entirely on the puppeteer. If that is the case, what happens when we decide against the master?

The Unstrung Puppets— pt. 1

colorful traditional puppets
Life can be very difficult to navigate as puppets without a master. Ever so often we find ourselves languishing for lack of direction. Eventually, almost instinctively, we look up. We always look up and then ask: "why me?" Ever wondered why that is?