The Need To Surrender Our Love To God

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Today, the love of many is waxing cold in their relationship with God (Matthew 24:12). Why are many failing in their relationship with God? Why are many not committed to their relationship with God anymore? The approach we must adopt in relating to God is to give Him our love. As believers, we must learn and yearn to surrender our love to Him. If  we can give our love, we can give Him everything we have in life. Please remember, God only requires our love. If we cannot surrender our love to God, then we are likely to fail in our walk with Him as it is only when we give all our love to God that we can relate properly with Him.

Mind, soul and body

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your strength.

Deuteronomy 6:5 (New King James Version)

From the above verse, it is clear that God wants us to love Him. In fact, He expects us to love Him. That is why John said that “We love Him because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19 NKJV). God showed His love for us first, which is why He expects us to love Him too. To love God means to give Him everything. We must devote our love to Him. Our love for Him will make us honor and glorify Him. So, when we don’t devote our love to Him, we break His heart.

What does your heart treasure?

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 6:21 (New King James Version)

From the above verse, we see that the heart will always follow what it deems to be a treasure. The thing is that if the heart doesn’t find something to be a treasure, it won’t and can’t follow it. The heart is ready to go any length to secure what it finds to be a treasure. As long as the heart follows a treasure, what it incurs to secure it doesn’t matter. As believers, the degree to which we can see God as our treasure is the same degree to which we would love and search for Him with our whole hearts.

Many are not growing and developing in their relationship with God because they haven’t surrendered their love to Him. They have not learned to commit all their love to God. They are still hovering in the shallow waters when it comes to their relationship with God. The truth is that, without submitting our love to Him, we can never have a true and genuine relationship with God.

The persistent loving heart

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find;
knock, and it will be opened to you.

Matthew 6:21 (New King James Version)

To love God demands that we ask, seek and knock until God opens the door unto us. I can assure you that this is not always easy. It could take a long time but when God finally opens the door to you, suddenly, you will begin to experience deeper dimensions of Him. It’s always reassuring when you get to that level with God but that will only happen when we continue to ask, seek, and knock with a relentless and loving heart.  

Guarding your heart

Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

Proverbs 4:23 (New King James Version)

From the above verse, it is clear that our hearts are the greatest part of our being. The reason being that the heart is where everything about our lives arise from. Solomon encouraged us to keep our hearts with care. The heart of a man can have many tendencies and can be very unpredictable. It is our duty to guard our hearts.

God needs our heart because everything about our lives comes from our hearts. That’s, if you see the manner in which a person lives his life, one can confidently tell what is in the person’s heart. In effect, your life is a reflection of what is in your heart. Surrendering our love to God is essential to Him because all true relationships emanate from the heart.

The value of commitment

Today, many relationships are failing. I have friends who complain to me about their failing relationships. I guess you might have heard or had an experience that validates this assertion. We live in a world where people enter into relationships and don’t commit to it. But any relationship that one is not committed to will certainly fail. Unfortunately, broken homes, separation and divorce have become the order of the day. The world would be different if people were a little more committed in their relationships by loving their partners. 

Please, let’s remember to surrender our love to God and may His love fill our hearts through the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). If we want  to experience God, then we must be willing to surrender our love to Him. As believers, we should keep in mind that surrendering our love to Him is what sets the tone for us to see more of Him. The surest way to develop and maintain our relationship with God is to surrender our love to Him. Also, I pray that this understanding will help you in your relationships here on earth. 

Let’s keep the fire burning until the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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