What It Means To Think Right—pt. 3


In the last few weeks, we have been discussing thinking right as is relevant in strongly incorporating thinking as a process. Further, as a way of life, thinking right before committing to any action at all is crucial. We’ve looked at some of the immense benefits we stand to reap if we routinely implement this concept. I mentioned character building as a profit we can obtain from thinking right consistently. This is because you will have to continuously engage with truth and there will be no place for deception. The absence of deception, especially self-deception, makes for living right and staying free from the troubles of crooked ways. Also, thinking right sustains the ability to guarantee you always make the right choices.

A world of choices

Our world today provides us with a lot of options that, frankly, can be a great source of confusion. Anywhere you turn, you are bound to be met by several options you can choose from. Whether its about the university to attend, friends to keep, what a dream job would look like, when to get married, how many children to have, where to build or buy a house, when is a good time to retire, where to take a vacation or something else out there, the options seem to be endless.

Unfortunately, we never have the same amount of time as options available to make the right choices. Regardless, we still make choices as time waits for no one, and hope for the best outcomes. Needless to say, the outcomes are not always favorable. Some will say “that’s just life!”. But, what if you knew a way to guarantee right outcomes all the time? What if I told you that way is thinking right? Would you choose this way?

A lesson from James

In What It Means To Think Right—pt. 2, I outlined three points to ponder if you truly want to position yourself to always make the right choices. Before we look closely at them, I want to highlight this principle:

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

James, the Just

If you have decided thinking right is the way to go for you, then I must say, “congratulations!”. You have chosen well! However, before you continue on this path, it is important to remember to keep focused. A mind that is set on thinking right must not be distracted. It is vital to avoid double-mindedness at every turn. The reason is quite simple. Your mind is a very powerful tool and if you want to wield it to guarantee right choices and outcomes, it has to be stable. The posture of single-mindedness is the best way to keep your mind stable and ready for engagements in any venture.

If you are thinking, how can I be single-minded? My cool tip—avoid distractions! See Resolve Not To Allow Anything Break Your Focus and Redirect Your Distractions For Accelerated Success for some ideas. The mind has a natural tendency to wander off or split along many channels. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that does not happen. A stable mind will make your adventure into thinking right meaningful and rewarding. I’ll stop here today to give you some time to reflect on how to rein in your mind for what lies ahead!

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