When You Sit To Think What Comes To Mind?


Thinking. Something everyone does but only few benefit from it. A popular cliché I hear a lot is think big. So, everybody tries to think big! Matter of fact, it is very important to allow your mind to conceptualize and determine a path—the more frequently you do this, the better (see Why You Need To See Through Your Mind’s Eye). Why? Mental exercise. That’s all there is to it? Perhaps, not.

On a more serious note though, what is the value of thought to you? Have you considered the significance of this process called thinking to your life? Life can be very challenging, I agree; but, thinking is quite direct, easy to do and uncomplicated, right? It literally costs nothing more than the time you put into it. So, how often do you engage in it? How many times do you make thinking work for you? When you sit down to think what comes to your mind?

The path to success of any kind, wealth and happiness always requires conscious effort. Guess what lies at the core of those efforts? 

Yes, thinking! 

It’s the reason I have been getting you to pay closer attention this whole time. If you can figure out this process and the role it’s meant to play in your life, my guess is, you’d have passed the half-way mark to your destination. You know why? Check this out.

“…as he [any person] thinketh [thinks] in his heart [mind], so is he…” 

Proverbs 23:7 (KJV)

Let it sink in for a bit.

In the womb, one of the earliest organs to develop is the brain—the mass associated with thinking in the body. Really? Yes, it is that important, and so is thinking!

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