Your Eyes Are For Vision And Vision For Success

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“…blessed are your eyes, for they see…”

Matthew 13: 16

Success is inside everyone, including you! Don’t let such a generalization make you think success is cheap though. No, far from it. It comes with a price—a hefty one too! It’s the reason you don’t see a whole lot of successful people around. Sure, there are a few here and there but that’s all there is—few. What will be your guess as to why that is?

Yes, not everyone is willing to pay the price. Even worse, there are many who cannot see that they can actually be successful if they gave it a real shot. It may surprise you to hear, but a lack of vision is what has kept many potential winners away from hitting the bullseye—they cannot see the target, let alone aim at it and hit the mark successfully.

You’ve got to envision your target!

For anyone to be successful. For you to have a real shot at success, the target must be clear in your mind’s eye (see Why You Need To See Through Your Mind’s Eye for more on this). You have to be able to envision your dreams to take the first step towards making it a reality. Make the target clear enough in your mind so you don’t confuse it and then once you can see the mark, take aim and hit it!

Now, taking aim is following the hows to success—the proven strategies that will get you from where you are today to your target tomorrow. But, none of it will work if there’s no target. Your dream becomes an effective target when you envision and define it. So, if you haven’t figured out what exactly success looks like for you and haven’t defined it to start taking massive action towards it, then this right here is your wake up call. It’s time to get to work!

Find something worthwhile for you (your dream of many years for one), define it (write it down if necessary) and get to work realizing it by following proven strategies (those who have been successful at that same target). Don’t doubt yourself now—you’ve done that long enough. It’s time to take action.

Go on, you’ve got this!