5 Ways Seeking God and His Kingdom Makes You A Winner


In this post, I will attempt to explain the overall concept of seeking God and and try to show you how this simple principle can actually make you a winner in life.

Whether you are into business, science, entertainment, arts, raising kids, education, government or any sphere of life, organizing your life by this idea can bring you to a place of permanent peace and prosperity.

A lot of names have been given to God. Lately, many people refer to his influence as the general force behind the universe. You may have heard phrases like: “if you do good, the universe will reward you” , “the universe” this or “the universe” that, and so on.

The truth is, “the universe” is really God! He is the one who created the entirety of what is seen and unseen in the cosmos. As such, he makes sure to maintain the order and harmony we have come to associate with the universe. The elements of nature all pay tribute to him, the animals of the land, seas and air, all sing his praise because he does his work so perfectly.

The truth is, “the universe” is really God!

He knows what has been, what is and what will be. He is able to intervene in the events that occur within time but he, himself, is not subject to time. Simply, God has ultimate control of all things—including the dispositions of humanity. Despite all of this, for reasons that we have come to understand includes love, he pays careful attention to us.

God has ultimate control of all things—including the dispositions of humanity.

Why is this the case? Honestly, apart from the explanation of love, I think it will be very difficult to find a definite answer. But that is not the purpose of our discussion today.

God’s interest in humanity, presents us with a very special opportunity. The chance to excel and be the very best through association. You see, God has always wanted us to use our power of will to choose him. Choosing him and following his ways bring prosperity and makes us winners each day of our lives.

Below are a few ways constantly seeking God, through his words and prayer, and persistently reinforcing his culture into your life can be beneficial:

1. It helps you set your priorities right.

One way or the other, if you are reading this, I am sure you have heard that to succeed, you need to set the right priorities. Priority is simply defined as the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important. In life, you always have to decide what is important to you in order to have the right focus to pursue your purpose. Making the pursuit of God and his ways the most important thing—number one priority— in your life will help you effectively decide and manage all your other priorities. What this means is to ensure that the salient principles of God are not absent at any point in your life. You see, many people have erred and become empty in their pursuit of success by focusing on money or fame or power. The reality is, these goals are mostly illusions that easily disappear. In the end, the price paid to attain any of these is usually not worth it. However, spending time with God builds character and influences you to make right and timely decisions that give you peace and success.

spending time with God builds character and influences you to make right and timely decisions that give you peace and success.

2. You get the right perspective on life.

Life, they say, is complicated. Too many things are out of our control and often times, we have very few explanations to the situations we go through. When your perspective on life is out of focus or wrong, it’s easier to be excessively pessimistic and critical about everything. It is more difficult to trust and important relationships can be harder to maintain. You may see everything else and ignore the most relevant things. You can easily be surrounded by anxiety, worry, despair and eventually deep depression. The way of the kingdom of God is the way of focusing on the things that are essential. Following this path gives you hope and strength through tough times.

The way of the kingdom of God is the way of focusing on the things that are essential.

3. Your instincts become sharpened and you become proactive.

To put God first is to give him the driver’s seat and the steering wheel. Normally when we say we give control to God, for most people, that is to practically give him the driver’s seat but not the steering wheel!

Normally when we say we give control to God, for most people, that is to practically give him the driver’s seat but not the steering wheel!

That’s not what I mean here. When I say give him control, I mean give him full control! Seek his approval on all matters. Usually that means deciding with him and making sure to consult him on any plans before taking an action. When you have done this—normally in prayer— you will have peace in your heart to carry out that plan. You should also expect times when despite your position of having the best plan, will be asked to adjust course or take a different turn. It is imperative to constantly be on the look out for such directions as they can be life-saving! As you constantly involve God’s perspectives in your choices and crosscheck your plans with God, the one who knows all things, you become more entangled with him and your instincts will benefit from that. You’ll become wiser with every decision and your first instincts will improve. At some point, you’ll be able to see trouble coming from many miles away and be prepared.

4. You start to care more about others.

Love is the most extensive theme of the culture of the kingdom of God. It is thus inevitable that becoming entwined with the ways of this kingdom will increase your capacity to enjoy God’s love and express genuine love towards others. You see, as you will know when someone expresses feigned love towards you, others also know when your love is not genuine. Their hearts will be closed from you and any doors of opportunity that could have been opened will remain shut. However, when you encounter true love and it overwhelms you, It will also overflow and pour on others around you. You will be able to unlock hearts, be sensitive to the needs of others and be truly helpful them.

5. You become generous and rich.

This point is actually an extension of the previous point. Love births generosity.

Love births generosity.

It’s difficult to be constant in giving to others without love. Attempting that will leave you drained and sad. But how do you become prosperous from generosity? “It seems to be a bit counter-intuitive to becoming rich” someone may say. You see, all great businesses really just start as a result of generosity—wanting to give someone something that will be beneficial to them. When you are generous, you can easily see what others need and find a way to be helpful. Generosity when properly expressed is not just about identifying a solution, but actually doing what it takes to implement it. This part requires investment of some kind. It may be time, money, intellect, materials or tools. Whatever it is, you are guaranteed to get returns at some point. These returns are normally in multiples of what you invested. If you keep at it, who is to say you won’t end up rich? Prosperity is guaranteed for generous people!

A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed

Proverbs 11:25

I hope with all my heart that this material is helpful to encourage you to draw closer to the King of the universe so you can enjoy life to its fullest!

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