The Unstrung Puppets— pt. 2


Puppets are lifeless objects with no chance of knowing what befalls them. They remain still until moved. And ever so often when they come alive, it’s because there is a puppeteer who has taken an interest to them. From their stance to their nimble movements, speech to their expressions of emotion or anything else is simply at the behest of a controller. Thus, it is safe to say that the puppet is essentially nothing without the puppeteer.

the puppet is essentially nothing without the puppeteer

Often times when I’ve considered life, I have been able to draw on analogies from the puppet and its master. You see, whether we like it or not, as humans, our lives are connected to one controller or the other. This controller can push our buttons and make us react in ways that sometimes surprises us. We would normally say things like: “I am the master of my life” or “I control my destiny”. However, deep within ourselves, we know that is not the case at all.

Frankly, I will admit we are not entirely at the whim of whatever seems to be the operator of our lives. I am sure you’d agree with me on the fact that unlike puppets, humans seem to have an override button called willpower. Once we turn it on, it almost feels like there is an eruption of determination that leads us to complete any task we set our eyes towards. Truly, this is a characteristic most unique to mankind.

In such instances, it almost feels like we have ultimate control over our lives and perhaps our achievements. And as long as it lasts, who is to say that is not the case? But, ever so often, this or that operator wakes up and we’re back to where we were.

We are all different in many ways and it is obvious that the operators, whatever they may be, don’t have full control. We seem to be able to use our override button to overrule what we deem to be contradictory to our own wishes. That notwithstanding, the dilemma still remains as to where we begin and where the operators end.

Puppets are almost seamlessly connected to their puppeteers as you may notice in any performance. The relationship between the two can be inseparable with no real end or beginning between them. As the master moves his fingers, the wooden inanimate figure comes to life and it’s given a voice. It translates the emotions of its controller and tells a story that keeps the audience enthralled.

Puppets are almost seamlessly connected to their puppeteers

The audience relate to the puppet as an animate object and follow the stories they tell closely. Some puppets can become so famous, even more than their puppeteers; however, the puppet has no will and can’t be separate from its controller no matter how much praise it gets from the audience. You see, we are like this puppet but with a significant difference— the will to decide. So, what happens when we decide against the master? (Continue here)

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