Encounters With Great People That Changed My Life Forever—pt. 1


Moving Away From The Sidelines

Hello! My name is Charles, and this is part of the story of my encounter with Prophet Prince Asare. I sincerely hope this testimony encourages you to persevere in your relationship with God.

Q. What was your life like before this very encounter?

Well, because I was born into a Christian family, I went to church with my parents, but I was not a committed Christian. It was a routine. After all, I was just being obedient to my parents.

Q. What direction where you headed before this encounter?

I must say that I was the most stubborn among all of my mother’s children. One day, while my mother started a fire to cook, as small as I was (3 years old then), I managed to put a ladle in the fire and burnt my mom with it. I remember vividly that my mother did the same to me. Unfortunately for her, when my father returned home and realized what my mother did to me, her action was reported to the elders of the family and she was found guilty. She received a caution and was instructed to offer me some eggs in apology.

Q. Who is Prophet Prince Asare?

Initially, I knew Prophet Prince Asare only to be the founder of a fellowship where Christians from any denomination could go for the word of God, prayer and counselling. The atmosphere within the fellowship was very conducive for spiritual development. This was because Prophet Prince taught his members to engage with God at a deeper level.

Q. How did you come to hear of Prophet Prince?

In May of 2002, just before the start of my Senior Secondary School Certification Examination, I realized I needed the blessings of God to do well in the exams. Back then, I heard that Prophet Prince could pray for me with regards to my upcoming exams and I’d do better.

Q. What was it like to meet him the first time?

After hearing of him, I took some pens with me to the fellowship so the Prophet could pray over them. When I got to the venue, ministration was going on. I felt shy to join the meeting because I didn’t know anybody there. So, I stood at the entrance of the building for some time. Suddenly, I felt a strong force push me inside and I went to sit down. As the ministration continued, the Prophet called me out and said to me “the call of God is on your life”. It was the first time I had ever received such a word from the Lord under the ministry of a prophet (I received many of such prophecies hereafter).

Q. What was the impact on your life after the meeting?

When I returned from school, I decided to take my relationship with God seriously based on the prophecy I had received. I joined the fellowship and became a devoted member. My parents and a relative of mine even joined too as a result. Later, I decided to go and stay with the prophet. My parents didn’t like the idea, but I went anyway: I was convicted about the decision. I felt that the prophet could help me fulfill my calling.

While staying with the Prophet, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said: “go back and rewrite your exams and I will help you”. It was that clear and I knew it was the Holy Spirit because I had developed my relationship with Him. I didn’t think twice about it. Before that happened, I had felt it was unnecessary to rewrite the subjects I didn’t do well. I was simply not interested in furthering my education nor did  my studies mean anything to me.

However, I went to rewrite my exams with all seriousness and to the glory of God, I passed all the papers I wrote. Today, I hold a master’s degree in Business Administration (marketing). Indeed, it was the voice of the Holy Spirit that I heard about 18 years ago that inspired me to carry on with my studies.

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you

Isaiah 60:1 (New International Version)

Q. How did living with the Prophet improve your relationship with God?

Living with Prophet Prince opened me up to bible studies, prayer, fasting, sacrifice and dedication. These things allowed me to experience a higher dimension of God I hadn’t seen before. I developed through doing these things and they are still part of me today, even to a greater degree than before.

Q. Do you have any final words?

I am very grateful to Prophet Prince Asare. We parted ways many years ago and I have not given up on looking for him. Whenever I look back to the day I first met him, I’m convinced with all my heart that God brought him into my life to show me my life’s purpose  and to nurture me into my destiny. Prophet Prince showed me the way to ministry. My prayer is that I will see him again one day. I know he will be proud of me! To Prophet Prince, I’d like to say I love you so much and I appreciate everything you did for me. God bless you, my father. 

This interview was conducted by Ferdinand.

6 Replies to “Encounters With Great People That Changed My Life Forever—pt. 1

  1. Charles, great inspirational words. As your former lecturer, I can always give testimony to your dedications and perseverance.
    Good job. Keep it up.

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