The King And His Prince: The Way To Victory And Glory—pt. 1


There’s a king who sees endless possibilities to show his love. His princes and princesses willingly gave up the deep love that he shared with them at the beginning of time. They forfeit their roles as governor of earth and have become slaves to the bringer of chaos, the devil. However, that has not stopped the king from working to return them to that selfless love, joy and peace that the earth was supposed to be running on. God works tirelessly to restore man to his former glory and lead him to reign in victory.

There’s a king with a master plan. When man fell and gave up his post as governor of the earth, the accuser, the devil, thought he had won. He figured nothing else could be done. He reasoned the situation to be a checkmate. Normally, man in his defeated form would not have a way out of his mess but not the king who makes waters run in the dessert. He sees the impossibilities we present to him as yet another reason to show us how limitless he is. When man fell from glory, God released his plan for redemption.

There’s a man who is lost. When man fell, we lost our dominion of the earth. That, however, did not stop man from trying to get back what he had lost. This was more difficult because the usurper, the devil, had no intention of giving us back what he stole. The more we tried to reach, the farther it went. We were like the donkey chasing the carrot: helpless by ourselves. Yet, we refused to see the wretchedness and ask for help. Rather, we wandered from place to place on the earth, picking up all the bad habits we thought we needed to get back what we gave up. Our later states became more deplorable than the former as time went by. We became so lost and didn’t know how to get back.

There’s a man who wants to please God, his father. God created us for his love. When we turned away from him to pursue our own goals, we ended up with a vacuum only he can fill. Unfortunately, we refused to acknowledge our need to please him. Instead, we looked to ourselves for help and ended up with all kinds of greed, selfishness and pride. All in an attempt to fill that vacuum. While many destroyed themselves through greed, selfishness and pride, few yielded to God and upheld his standards of morality. That, though, was still not enough. Our creator saw our deplorable state and observed the wickedness that increased on the earth as a result. We had strayed, yes. But, he still loved us and wanted us restored to glory. Far away from the desperation, depression, greed, violence, pride, lust among others. He loves us so dearly and wanted us to fully know that.

There’s a father in whom love prevails, always. We could argue today that the more we strayed away from the father, the closer he came. He searches for us, nurses us to health from sickness, prevents the devil from taking undue advantage of us, clothes us, gives rain and sun for food. All the while, working out his plan to restore us to our original position of authority and dominion. He’s relentless in his pursuit of us because of his love for us. Unfortunately, man in his perversion continues to choose the ways of wickedness and immorality. We keep going in the way of destruction and make death our goal. Too bad we cannot unravel all the disguises the chaos-lover comes in. We can be so oblivious to his schemes we blame our father for when things go wrong. Despite this, he keeps loving us like we did nothing wrong.

There’s a king with impeccable timing. Everything he does is perfect. We may not always see that at first, but we always appreciate it in hindsight. He’s true to his word and remains faithful when we are disloyal. It is for this reason that we can trust him when he says he has only good plans for us. He cannot mean evil towards us for there’s none in him. If he said we will be restored, no matter how deplorable we are, restored we shall be.

I will continue with this in the next part. I pray your heart will be opened to receive the love of God and that your perspectives of God will be changed or strengthened so you can live life to its fullest!

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