How To Enter The Victorious Life


The King And His Prince: The Way To Victory And Glory—pt. 2

4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.

Galatians 4:4-7 (English Standard Version)

I started a series which focused on the relationship between members of the most important royal family. Of course, like every family of its kind, there’s a king who serves as the sovereign and heirs who consist of princes and princesses. The first of the series explained the bond that existed between the King and His heirs while the second talks about what humans lost as a result of going against the King’s law!

When the bond within the royal family was intact, the heirs enjoyed every pleasure the King had to offer. This did not make everyone happy. Especially the usurper, whom we know as Satan today. He prodded for a weak link and struck at it with much cunning. The heirs, who were governors of earth, succumbed and as a result broke the King’s trust. As you may know, trust can be very fragile: hard to build and easy to lose.

trust can be very fragile: hard to build and easy to lose

Upon breaking the King’s confidence, humans lost the governorship of earth and handed over rulership to the usurper, who was successful in his mission to cause the first man and woman to commit high treason against the King. Paradise was lost and humans were cast into a life of suffering and death. However, the King never gave up on humanity. Once humans lost their rightful place as governors of the earth, He vowed to restore us to where we belong no matter how long it took!

Indeed, many years passed by before the right time arrived. The work which was going on for centuries finally culminated in the birth of a male child. This boy looked exactly like any child born of a woman but was unique. He was the Son of God. 100% flesh but possessing untainted blood! What do I mean by untainted blood? I will explain. 

Sin corrupted every aspect of humanity and increased wickedness on the earth.

When man went against the King and fell, the record of failure was imprinted in his blood as sin. Sin corrupted every aspect of humanity and increased wickedness on the earth. Despite the fact that humans wanted to return to their position as governors of the earth, there was no reprieve towards that end. The more we toiled for rulership, the further we moved away from the path that led to it. Our efforts were insufficient and darkness increased. Unfortunately, this did not end with our ancestors! The sin-laden blood and its effects were passed on from one generation to the next. Eventually, all human blood became tainted with it.

So, the boy I mentioned earlier. The one with untainted blood was very special for that very reason.

to remove sin from blood and restore man to his original position, pure blood is required

You are probably wondering why I am zoomed in on blood. Well, it is for good reason. Just as like dissolves like in the case of stains, to remove sin from blood and restore man to his original position, pure blood is required. To take it further, to make sure that the removal is permanent, the blood has to be from an eternal source. Hence, the boy being the Son of God!

4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law

The King gave humanity the perfect gift. We have been trying to get back what is ours for so long and have started wars, oppressed others, murdered innocents, become greedy, discontented, depressed, overly sensitive to our faults, angry, and the list goes on. All our efforts have been futile and salvation has always been far away. But, the game changer had arrived. Our passport to a new and better life was in—neatly wrapped, stamped and delivered!

He came to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. Yes! he came for you and me, and guess what? We don’t need to keep struggling to return to our original place. All we need to do is receive the perfect gift of God sent to us. 

Receiving the King’s perfect gift for restoration is not complicated.

Many years ago, when I was only 12 years old, I received God’s gift for my salvation. With all my heart, I received Jesus Christ into my heart. I did not fully understand then what it meant, I must admit. Today, I know and understand well that God sent the Spirit of his Son into my heart so I could call Him “Abba! Father!” again! As a result, I am no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God. I received my full restoration!

This may sound like a fairy tale but it doesn’t get any real than this. Receiving the King’s perfect gift for restoration is not complicated. You can receive him too. All you have to do is say an honest prayer to God and tell him you want Jesus Christ to come into your heart. If you haven’t prayed in a while or never before, this may feel awkward. Nonetheless, don’t hesitate! Just be sincere with your desire to receive God’s perfect gift who is Jesus Christ and speak to God directly. I promise he will hear you and grant you your heart’s desire. 

Just be sincere with your desire to receive God’s perfect gift who is Jesus Christ and speak to God directly.

If you asked God for Jesus into your heart then I am happy to announce to you that you are no longer a slave, but a son (or daughter), and if a son (or daughter), then an heir through God! You are restored! Welcome to the royal family.

This is the first step to a wonderful life. Comment below or contact us to let us know of your decision. Welcome again to living life to its fullest!

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