How To Destroy The Root Of All Problems In Your Life


Everyone would agree the world is a place of problems. If you are reading this, chances are that you have either faced a problem, are facing a problem or solving a problem. It may feel like problems are all there is to living, from the moment you wake up till the time you retire to bed. That is, if you are not an insomniac. 

the world is a place of problems

Just try taking a stroll in your neighborhood, you’ll find out that you cannot walk a few meters without identifying a problem. Even when you’re minding your own business, problems have an uncanny ability to gravitate towards you without you having to seek them out. Interestingly, the solutions we try to provide for existing problems, end up creating more problems!

Just in case you’re wondering, I’m not crazy or trying hard to demoralize you. Matter of fact, I’m an optimist at heart and this here is an attempt to bring light into your world. But like in any situation, to make sure you appreciate the light I’m bringing your way, I need to show you why you need it in the first place.

Problems come in different shapes and sizes. There are problems you may face for being tall or short. There’s those for being big or slim. There’s even some for being neither of these or not nearly enough of any. There are problems for being black or white or red or brown or yellow or a mixture of these. If you’re trying to figure this out, what I mean is problems come in different colors too. 

There’re so many problems in this world such that to have fewer of them is technically a bargain.

Then there are problems for being poor or rich or in-between. If you are educated, problems. if you’re uneducated, problems. Employed or unemployed, problems. Single or married, problems. Either you’re raising children, carrying one or neither—problems. I want to stop with this list but I’ve barely scratched the surface. So, do indulge me a little more.

If you own a house, problems. If you’re renting, problems. If you’re homeless, even more problems. If you have food to eat, problems. If you don’t, you’ll be dead. If you live long, problems. If you’re born premature, problems. Okay… okay, I believe you get the point.

There’re so many problems in this world such that to have fewer of them is technically a bargain. But life should not be weighed on who has more problems versus who has less. Life is beautiful and should be enjoyed to the fullest.

All human problems are self-inflicted.

So, if you’re tired of all the problems you’re facing and need some rest from it all, I have a secret for you. You may not accept it at first, however when you do, it’ll change your life. Your perspectives will be affected and for some of you, your world view will be turned right side up. You’ll be set free and experience rest from all your problems. Read on.

All human problems are self-inflicted. The solutions we try to provide are always half-baked at best and their result includes more problems. Humanity is like a snake chasing its tail. We are in a closed loop—a vicious cycle of destruction, pain, hate, anger and you know the rest. Unfortunately, we bring this to everything we do. Even when we don’t intend it, we create problems.

Even when we don’t intend it, we create problems.

Fortunately, there is a permanent solution to the root of all our problems, the core factor that has wired all of humanity to keep perpetuating this vicious cycle and stay in the loop. Today, if you want out of the loop, I am happy to announce to you that there is a way out. You can be free!

In How To Enter The Victorious Life, I briefly talked about sin—just a gist of it anyway. When sin entered the world, it managed to subjugate humanity to its desires. We were effectively locked into the loop I mentioned earlier, all in the service of sin. In that closed cycle, we forgot who we really were and slowly accepted the conditions sin placed on us.

The unpleasant familiar, to them, had become better than freedom. 

Our Creator, on the other hand, would not allow that to stand for long. In due time, He offered us a way out. However, only a few took the way out. Many had become so used to the sin-conditioning they didn’t want to get out. The unpleasant familiar, to them, had become better than freedom. 

Thankfully, the way out has not been shut, yet. I walked through it and I’m living in liberty now. You can join me on the other side too. All you have to do is to believe. Believe in Jesus Christ! It’s the only way out. If you’re tired of all the problems of the sin-condition and want rest from it all, this is it. Only believe. Trust that Jesus Christ is your way out! 

Matter of fact, this is the open invitation:

28 “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me [Jesus Christ]. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. 29 Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. 30 For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.” 

Matthew 11: 28-30  (The Passion Translation)

What a manifesto! This is simply amazing. Why would anyone refuse this? Don’t be like those who keep on in the loop and perpetuate the vicious sin cycle. Choose liberty now!

Choose liberty now!

Welcome Him sincerely into your heart by speaking honestly to God, our Father. Once you do, He will send His Holy Spirit of freedom to mark you as free from sin. You will be out of the loop and set to start a new life. You’ll be released from the root of all problems—sin. You will know liberty like I and many like me have. You will experience the world from a different position and your view of it will change. You’ll be in the light and finally, be truly able to enjoy life to its fullest!

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