Encounters With Great People That Changed My Life Forever—pt. 2


Into A Deeper Relationship

One of the most important aspect of my prayer life is mid-night prayers. I learnt how to stay awake and pray through the night from Bishop Dag Heward-Mills. In fact, after many years of praying through the night, it has become my favorite time to pray. This is particularly because the atmosphere is conducive, and it is easier to focus on spiritual warfare against the enemy who enjoys taking believers for a spin.

The enemy doesn’t sleep!

Jesus told us that the only reason for which the enemy can have his way, in our lives, is sleep. The explanation for the tares in the lives of many believers is sleep. If we cannot master sleep then we will be in danger of destroying our own destinies. There’s a price to pay in other to fulfill our destinies on earth and we must be mindful to pay that price.

But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

Mat 13:25 (King James Version)

If the enemy doesn’t sleep, why then should we sleep? If the enemy is awake, what then is the reason behind our sleep? The enemy dominates the lives of many believers because they cannot control sleep. Sleep is good to secure rest but at the same time, it can destroy many destinies.

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills

My first significant encounter with Bishop Dag was in 2004. I went to church on a Sunday morning for the second service. That day, after Bishop Dag preached, he decided to give out some of his preaching tapes for free to all who were present for the meeting. However, there was a condition to fulfill in order to receive the preaching tape. The condition was that each person was supposed to recite a memory verse to receive the free preaching tape. I joined a long queue of church members to say a memory verse to receive the preaching tape.

When it got to my turn, I said Obadiah 17… Upon hearing Obadiah 17, Bishop Dag said to the guys in charge of sharing the preaching tapes “give him two of the tapes”. Two of the tapes were given to me as Bishop Dag had instructed. I was the only person who received two preaching tapes that day. I received a message entitled Vision on the mount along with one other.

Prayer, fasting and dreaming

Later, I decided to fast and pray for three days while listening to the message—Vision on the mount. At this point, the training that I had while staying with Prophet Prince made it easier for me to start a 3-day personal fast. I began my fast on a Monday and ended on Wednesday. On Wednesday night, I had a dream. In the dream, I saw Bishop Dag standing by my side on the balcony of the first floor of the classroom block of my alma mater, Anum Presbyterian Secondary School. In the dream, he had stretched out his hand to hold the banister. I also stretched out my hand to hold the banister just as he had done.

In my attempt to hold the banister, I touched Bishop Dag’s hand. Upon touching his hand, I said to him “I have tapped your anointing”.  He then turned and said to me: “follow me, let me teach you how to tap the anointing”. Suddenly, I woke up in the middle of the night and that was the end of the dream.

Unforgettable impact

Sincerely following Bishop Dag through his books and tapes opened me up to yet another dimension in my relationship with God I hadn’t known before. 

My ability to understand and interpret the bible expanded under the ministry of Bishop Dag. I became firm and grounded as a Christian because of the sound teaching of the word of God under his ministry. By the grace of God, I am steadfast, nothing moves me aside the word of God: anything other the word of God means nothing to me. I’m so reliant on the word of God to the point that without His word I feel empty and dry.

While I learnt how to pray when I was with Prophet Prince, my time with Bishop Dag helped me to pray for long hours. I am able to spend anywhere from 3 hours to 12 hours in prayer to seek the Lord’s face thanks to Bishop Dag.

The manner in which I sacrifice and dedicate my energy, time and available resources was also improved under the ministry of Bishop Dag. I’m a workaholic by nature but the understanding I received by following this great man made me appreciate work more. As long as it’s for Christ and His kingdom, I can work to any length. 

I can always see the effect of the ministry of Bishop Dag in my life and I bless God for his life.

I don’t know what brought you to this testimony, but I pray that it encourages you to have a deeper personal relationship with God that will make you want to spend long hours in his presence.

Let’s keep the fire burning till the second coming of Jesus Christ!

4 Replies to “Encounters With Great People That Changed My Life Forever—pt. 2

  1. Thank you for sharing your encounter with the man of God. Im a South African i was introduced to the ministry of Bishop Dag by my Bishop K. B Ransford. Im currently listening to Bishop Dags tapes praying for wisdom and he mentioned something about works a wise person has results. That inspired me to check how many hours does he work Im striving to maximize my time everyday. He has achieved so much by the Grace of God. That is so inspiring. And thank u again for sharing much Grace!!!

  2. To God be all the glory for this powerful encounter of yours with the Bishop.
    I am very happy for you as a brother and a friend. May we wax strong in the Lord, and like you said, nothing should move us beside the Word of God.

    Powerful testimony. I didn’t know you’re such a prolific writer. I tape into this unction of writing skill.
    God bless you sir

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