Revival Is In The Air: The Next Big Move Of God

A revival is simply a renewal and restoration of life within the body of Christ. In other words, a revival can be said to be the general increase in the level at which people engage God and His kingdom, usually after a decline. That’s, revivals create the atmosphere within which people can actually express their sincere love for God without wobbling in their faith. Thus, the level at which people relate and fellowship with God is deepened. 

Nineveh experienced one of the greatest revivals of all time. God sent Jonah the Prophet to preach His word in Nineveh and the word that God sent Jonah to go and proclaim in the city of Nineveh was that simple: “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown”. When the king of Nineveh heard the word of God, he proclaimed a fast. The fasting was so intense to the point that even animals were denied food by their owners just so they could take part in the fast.

… And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not. 

Jonah 3:1-10 (King James Version)

The Bario revival is one of the most recent revivals that took place in the year 1973 and ended in 1984 in Malaysia.  In that revival, the extent to which the Holy Spirit manifested Himself was just unbelievable. The revival was characterized by repentance, baptism of the Holy Spirit, long hours of prayers and extended hours of church meetings among others.

One of the most important things about revivals is repentance. The first sign of every great and genuine revival is repentance. In all of history, all true revivals have been characterized by open repentance. Repentance was key to the revival of the city of Nineveh. Obviously, God saw their repentant hearts and changed His decision to destroy them. The city of Nineveh was spared from the wrath of God.

I will listen to you, LORD God, because you promise peace to those who are faithful and no longer foolish.

Psalm 85:8 (King James Version)                        

Peace is another important benefit of all true revivals. Sin creates chaos. We can count on chaos to be ever present wherever sin is. Where revival is, peace will also be prevalent.

Glory is another important benefit of a revival. Revival always comes with the radiant splendor that emanates from the throne room of grace. The glory of God is usually made manifest during a revival. That’s, the glory of God accompanies all genuine revival.

You are ready to rescue everyone who worships you, so that you will live with us in all of your glory.

Psalm 85:9 (King James Version)

One day, a friend of mine told me that he has been expecting a move from God. We were having a discussion about the current state of the church. On another occasion, a good friend and a brother of mine also told me that he has been expecting a revival since 2018. Sincerely, I must admit that on those two occasions I had not personally heard or seen anything from the Lord concerning the revival they were both expecting.

On the 27th of October this year, I woke up in the night to pray as I normally do. At about 5:00 am, I decided to go for a prayer walk. Prior to this, the Holy Spirit had laid on my heart to be going for regular prayer walks around the city. A prayer walk is simply walking through a city, town or community while praying. Whilst walking and praying along the streets of the city, I could hear the birds sing and crickets chirping. At about 5:20 am, as I got to Track One car washing bay, the word of the Lord came to me and I could see it with the eyes of my heart.

“I saw an impending revival, but it will not start from the church. It will start from the homes of people. The people that will start the revival will start the revival from their homes or prayer closets. Those people will begin to have supernatural experiences from their homes. And it will spread to the church.”

Just as Jesus instructed the disciples to wait in Jerusalem, which is a type of a church setting, this time around the instruction is to wait at our homes.

And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

Luke 24:49 (King James Version)

Four days later, while I was praying in my room, my eyes were closed but I was very awake and aware of my environment. I had a preaching message playing in the background and I could hear it. At about 8:52 pm, for about 2 minutes, I went into a trance-like state and I saw something like a mobile phone blaring with a reminder-esque pop-up displayed on the screen that read: “PRAYER MEETING NOW

Indeed, these two incidents helped me confirm the intuition my friends had as I received urgent messages on the soon coming revival for the church.

As per the message in the second incident, I believe we must be given to much prayer and fasting to secure the upcoming revival.  If the upcoming revival doesn’t happen then it would mean that we have not prayed and waited on God enough to make it happen. Please remember that revivals don’t just happen by coincidence. Revivals only happen when believers are prepared to sacrifice their time and food to pray and wait on God.

I would like to call on Christians all around the world to intensify our prayer and fasting activities to make this coming revival happen.

Let’s keep the fire burning until the second coming of Jesus Christ!

6 Replies to “Revival Is In The Air: The Next Big Move Of God

  1. ”….men ought to pray always and faint not….”
    Great write up man of god. May the spirit of Grace and supplication abound Lord….. Great word for these times

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