Open Your Eyes And See All You Can Become


Where there is no vision, the people perish…”

Proverbs 29:18

What do you think of your eyes? Yes, it is a very random question and I understand how it could easily take you by surprise. However, have you ever thought about why your eyes are so important? If you have one, I’ll like to ask you this. Why do you consider it that valuable? Have you ever thought of how your life would look like without your eyes?

Would you be helpless? Hopeless, perhaps? Are you going to depend on someone else for the rest of your life for directions? Will you feel lost? Will you regret not enjoying the beauty of colors while you had your eyes? How about the faces of loved ones, will you miss them? Will your eyes start meaning something more for you? These are meant to provoke deeper thought into the significance of your eyes; not just for your body but also for your life.

Just as you consider the eyes of your body an asset and value it because it allows you to experience the world around you in an entirely new light by providing you the ability of sight; so must you view the eyes of your mind which gives you vision and enables you to direct your life with a perspective that is both dynamic and unique.

Let your mind’s eye give you vision

There are many people who walk through life without vision—the eyes of their mind is shut. They cannot simply see what they can become. Some of these people are restricted by their current difficult circumstances, a lack of information or resources and a false sense of self. Whatever the case, these are those who do not use their mind’s eyes and hence cannot experience the full spectrum of colors in this life.

That ends here. If you have read up to this point, then it’s about time you opened those eyes and begun to see a little farther, a bit beyond where you are now. After all, eyes are exactly for that purpose. Explore a possible future for yourself. Ask if you like it. Figure out alternatives and choose the best out of all of them. Take a snapshot with you mind’s eye of the future you want for yourself. Spend time to examine the details till it sinks in deep down. Meditate on this image. Keep at it till it becomes your reality and then take steps towards manifesting it—make it visible to your naked eyes!

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