Success Is A Faith-based Venture And It’s For Everybody


“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for 
and assurance about what we do not see.”

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

When I say that success is for everybody, I really mean it. There is no doubt in my mind that you can be successful if you want. None! You may wonder how a guy you’ve never met before or who doesn’t know who you are or your history can say that to you. If you are thinking that, it is fair. There’s nothing wrong with you questioning my conviction about your success. In fact, I will be surprised if you didn’t! Nonetheless, I do not have to know who you are or your background to make that determination about you as long as you are human and I will tell you why in a bit.

Before I get into that, let me ask you this. When you think of yourself as being successful, what do you imagine? Do you see yourself having a lot of money and buying whatever things or experience you want? Perhaps all you see is running a successful business. It could be any business ranging from a mom-and-pop shop in your neighborhood to a global multimillion-dollar company. Let’s say you are not the business type, will getting a degree and being the first in your family to do that work for you? Are you a family person who just wants to be married, have your own family and raise decent children? Wait. You see all of the above? That’s cool too! The most important thing is that you can see your definition of success.

The game changer is faith

Now, back to why I am strongly confident that you can be successful. Today, if I were to ask a general question of what it takes to make it in life, many people will throw all kinds of answers at me. From you need a vision to you need a plan, skills, hard work, money, education, confidence, networking, good attitude, positivity, discipline, determination, persistence and good health. So many ingredients are required for success and each is very important. However, without faith, there is nothing to tie all of these ingredients together. Matter of fact, having faith can make up for the lack of some of these requirements or drive the easier and faster development of others for success. Frankly, success is always the reward for faith and faith, everyone can have regardless of personage or history!

If you can dare to have faith, you will be successful and that is truth.

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