God Wants You On His Level And This Is How To Get There

people climbing a mountain
I think deep down in all of us, we feel seriously flawed in one way or the other. Like a defective product, we don't know if we were born that way or it was something that was just deposited and grew as we grew up. If you're being honest, you've probably realized this and noticed that no matter what you do, it doesn't seem to go away. This flaw seems to draw certain mistakes out of you and it feels like a pile of unpaid debt keeps accumulating. One that you don't know exactly how to pay, but believe can be paid nonetheless.

Three Things To Know About Philippians 4:13

endurance cliff climbing
We are all born for a purpose and while we may waste time on irrelevant things, our purpose doesn't just vanish. It waits behind the scenes, and every once in a while we get clues to them. Once you step into your purpose, you immediately activate something divine about your life because the origin of all human purpose is God.

3 Reasons Why Democracy And Communism Are Doomed to Fail

Abuse of power
Everybody wants what they want and nobody sacrifices for the other. Therefore, placing trust in people and expecting them to be absolutely moral and selfless in their decisions with regards to others, is a difficult and untenable road. This is more so in the case of democracy where representation is prevalent. In the case of communism, I imagine everybody would have to genuinely care about everyone else which is almost impractical given human nature.

5 Ways Seeking God and His Kingdom Makes You A Winner

compass on a bible and map
Whether you are into business, science, entertainment, arts, raising kids, education, government or any sphere of life, organizing your life by this idea can bring you to a place of permanent peace and prosperity.