The King And His Prince: The Fall From Glory


There’s a king who lives forever. He existed before time and will continue to remain long after it. He never ages nor grows old. In fact, no one ever met his parents nor is he known to have one. He is mysterious like that. Without a beginning nor an end because he is both the alpha and omega: he was, he is, and will be—eternal.

There’s a king who created the light that burst through the expanse of the universe. He brought forth the sun, the moon and the stars. He spread out the sky as a separating blanket for everything above and beneath it. He created the earth.

There’s a king who filled the earth with all of its beauty. He made the grasses and herbs of the savanna, and trees of the forests. He raised mountains from the flats and grew its lush vegetation. He waters the plants and calls the seas his aquarium. His reign is over the earth, above it and below. Nothing is beyond his gaze and before him everything is bare, there’s no hiding at all. He is truly sovereign.

There’s a king who is filled with love. As a matter of fact, he is love—the very definition of the word. From a deep yearning to share this love, he created mankind, filled him with his spirit and gave him control of the earth, to rule in his stead. Like a prince, man was raised to be governor of all that exist in the earth realm.

There’s a prince who is man. He was given a beautiful, flourishing earth to call home. He had all he could eat, drink and spare. He had the reflection of beauty and pride on his arms: she was the last of all creation but best among equals. Her place was as unto a princess and together in Eden, they reigned.

There’s a royal family that had a unique bond. They moved as one, thought as one, and I dare say finished each others sentences because the communion between them was that deep. This bond was a great expression of love: there was no fear, shame or worry. The prince and his bride felt protected and assured of their future. This did not sit well with some that observed.

There’s a usurper who used to be called Lucifer. He wasn’t always the devil or satan. As a matter of fact, he was the bringer of light. He was respected among the ranks of the king and shared a connection with the king that was profound. He wielded influence among the king’s elite forces and his sway was significant enough for him to covet the king’s place. I’m sure he felt deserving of it; but, it was never his place. His pride encouraged him to plan and execute a coup to dethrone the king. He never expected any surprises. Unfortunately, he and his cohort were met with an overwhelming force, they succumbed to their defeat and run away with tails between their legs. Consequently, he lost his place but has been looking to repossess the position he once held ever since.

There is a devil who roams the earth. He was made for the heavens and his place was with the king. However, he lost it and now seeks to exert his power in whichever way he can manage. He knows he cannot get his previous post back so he tries everything he can to take the earth which was given to man. After all, it’s the next best thing.

There’s a royal family that had a weak link. This family, though they shared everything and went everywhere together, the trust between them was yet to be tested—man’s stewardship over the earth he possessed was yet to be challenged. The devil saw this and schemed to overthrow man from his place, he longed for the power man displayed over earth. He went on to tempt man to break the bond he shared with the king and in so doing, give up his dominion over the earth he ruled. Man, succumbed.

There’s a prince who lost everything. He had the earth: he had power to rule the earth and choose the earth’s fate. He had control over the earth’s climate, the animals, plants, scenic views and landscapes. He was governor of a perfect system that had no chaos. He had a beautiful princess who was poised to nurture innocent children—untainted by any form of corruption nor liable to any. In that world, health was perfect and fitness was basic. There was no reason to be anxious, desperate or depressed. Beauty permeated everything and perfect love flowed through all things. Nonetheless, man gave it all up with one decision, breaking the trust of the king and allowing the chaos of the devil into the world.

There’s an eternal king who is heartbroken and wants the bond with man restored. To this end, the king has been working endlessly to return man to his former glory and though man in his stubbornness refuses his hand, he’s relentless in his pursuit.

I will continue with this story in a second part. Up to this point, I hope these brief descriptions give you a sense of who you were originally intended to be, what man lost, as well as what he stands to gain if he makes a decision to return to the king’s side.

The king is God and we are his princes and princesses. Somehow we lost it all but his arms are open to restore us to all that we lost and even better.

Hope the knowledge of this will help you turn towards God or enrich your understanding of him to help you live life to its fullest!

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