Why The Story-teller Is Important To The Story


Have you ever read a book and wondered how it was going to end before getting to the end? Have you watched a movie and wondered why the protagonist died when you expected otherwise? What about trying to guess what the sequel of a story would look like? Or, trying to figure out which characters will survive or be killed off? In our world today, story-telling is very important. We see a lot of movies, read books or watch TV shows that tell all sorts of stories. Some of these stories can be suspenseful, others may keep us transfixed, while others may inspire—they take us to all kinds of places.

For my part, I like to listen to all kinds of stories. For me, every story may as well be a representation of a different perspective: sometimes familiar, other times unusual. I could rewatch some movies many times just because of the storyline or the values portrayed. One of my all-time favorites is the Lord of the Rings. At other times, I get into some stories just to see how it ends. Sometimes, the enjoyment is purely entertainment. I am sure you may have similar or different reasons for being interested in stories. No matter your reason, I am very sure it’s important to you.

every story may as well be a representation of a different perspective: sometimes familiar, other times unusual

The significance or meanings we draw from stories can make us very attached to a story’s plot, characters, twists or values. Usually, most people get attached to the characters and can get very worked up when the story doesn’t go the way of their expectations for that character. Many fans will end up in arguments or develop theories that may explain specific outcomes. Others will try to figure out the principles that are laid out and move on. Yet still, you’d always have those bystanders who just appreciate the aesthetics. For what it’s worth, I have found myself doing one of the above at one time or the other.

Recently, I was watching the final episode for season 3 of the Good Doctor and was perplexed by the show killing off one of the doctors at the end. Normally, I would not mind at all since it’s one of those shows I watch just to pass sometime and ease off stress. Me and my wife enjoy it because it’s easy-going, does not keep you guessing too much and usually has a happy ending. Also, Dr. Murphy is simply adorable and cute. Nonetheless, this time, the death of that doctor made me think a bit. “Why did they kill him?” I wondered. Everything seemed to be going well. What happened? As usual, we went through the normal theories: perhaps they wanted to explore a new storyline or that actor wanted to leave the show or budget cuts. We did not know exactly why but it was fun to do the guessing game. Not that we got the answer in the end, but we learnt something in the process and it’s this.

Only the originator of the story knows why the story is arranged in a certain way and why the events within the story unfold as they do. Also, the originator is definitely the one who can reveal those secrets.

Let me try to explain why this is so important. You see, this life we all live is just a summation of stories. You have your story and I have mine. Most times you can find meaning when you meet someone whose story intersects with yours. You may detect why something happened to you in the past or get understanding about what to do next. Without meaning, everything can look random and coincidental; however, every rational person knows there is a reason for everything and the fact that it’s not always obvious doesn’t meant it’s not there.

Without meaning, everything can look random and coincidental

Behind every story is a story-teller: whether it’s an author of a book, a writer of a screenplay or grandpa scaring us around a campfire. The story-teller is very crucial to the story. This is because he is the only one who knows exactly how and why the events within a story unfold and has absolute control of the characters he uses. Now, the fact that our lives tell a story, follows that there must be a story-teller.

The story-teller is very crucial to the story … because he is the only one who knows exactly how and why the events within a story unfold and has absolute control of the characters he uses.

I’m aware a lot of motivational speakers try to rouse us up by telling us to “take control of the story of your lives”. The implication of this statement are many depending on who is hearing it; but, the obvious meaning is unambiguous: you control what you become so do something now to give your life’s story the end you desire. If I may ask, are you ever completely in control of the story of your life? Do you have full knowledge of what will happen and why they should happen to you? Can you say with absolute certainty that you know everything about yourself? How about all the other characters your story have within them? It is safe to say that the uncertainties we face in our lives, rule us out as being the ultimate story-tellers of our lives. Check this out, we do not even decide where or how we are born, and birth, as we all know, is where our story begins. Someone else must definitely be telling the stories of our lives!

Thankfully, we know who that person is!

You may ask: “does it mean we don’t have any say at all in what we go through in life?” The answer is you do have a say. Though, not like you may be thinking. You see, a good story-teller understands the importance of the characters within his story. As such, he is fully conscious of what extents they can participate in that story. He does not stretch them too thin or limit them. He always wants to reach the purpose of the story being told. The story-teller of our lives is no different.

Most people simply take pleasure in disputing the existence of God despite the opposite ringing true in their hearts. You see, when you say there is no God and you believe it, you begin to have the feeling that you are the god of your own life and have a certain control to determine its outcomes. But, it’s just that—a feeling! You still remain under his control and you not appreciating that won’t change it.

On the contrary, if you appreciate the fact that your life is not your own and you surrender to God’s control and purpose, you’ll find that you will always meet the reason for your existence and find true meaning in life. Recognizing the power of God over your life does not mean you are helpless and your actions are not your own. No! God’s story does not have robots as characters with regards to us. His, is a story of love. He gives us options and allows us to choose, and he always encourages us to choose life and prosperity.

Yes, the motivational speakers have a point in telling you to choose your destiny. However, the truth of that starts with you recognizing that God is the story-teller of your life and he has all the answers you need. He can choose to reveal or withhold them anytime but whatever he decides, it is our responsibility to keep choosing life and prosperity. Not as we please but as he offers! In recognizing God’s importance as the story-teller of our lives, we set ourselves on a path of peace and find our purpose.

looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith …

Hebrews 12:2 (New King James Version)

I hope this will give you some answers you have been searching for or reshape your perspective on life as you come to realize you are an important character in God’s story and he respects your decisions but wishes that you will always choose the life and prosperity he offers. May you be blessed and keep living life to its fullest!

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