How To Respond To How Can I Help You?

Original photo by Milad B. Fakurian on Unsplash

Lately, I am starting to appreciate the approach to the result and not just the result. Like many people echo: enjoy the process! Fact is, it is not always easy to enjoy the process when it involves much struggle. After all, who likes struggling right? Previously, I wrote about what I consider to be one of the best approaches to use when offering help to someone who may need it.

appreciate the approach to the result and not just the result

Help is a two-way street

I think it is important to address the fact that helping is a two-way street. Help that is offered must first be appreciated and secondly, not easily turned down. This is because, with the current state of the world, well-meaning people are considered evil as bad people have become good at using various disguises to prey on the vulnerable.

Point here is: offering someone help can be less straightforward and more complicated. 

Given our current world conditions, I understand that everyone has to be very careful with how we interact with other people, especially with regards to strangers. No one should ever have to fall prey to bad people who wear disguises as good people.

Nonetheless, the callous and unforgiving nature of the world is not a reason for us to be rude in return. We cannot reward evil with more evil at a personal level as this will only be detrimental to us. Instead, we can be kind when others are rude or irrational.

callous and unforgiving nature of the world is not a reason for us to be rude

Always be civil

When someone asks you how can I help you?, it is important to first acknowledge the helper. You can say thank you for offering to help. Even if your instincts are against the helper, still acknowledge the act of someone going out of their way to offer you help. This is very important! 

Now, if you’re not comfortable with receiving help from that person, no need to be rude. Just politely excuse yourself after acknowledging the offer by going along the lines of thank you for the offer to help, but I am OK. If the person insists to still help, hold your ground as well but avoid being rude. Give an excuse and move away, no need to explain yourself.

In the case where you are comfortable to receive the help offered, go ahead and politely explain the specific help you need.

Politeness is very important as we interact in our human society. What many will call common human decency is always necessary. From my experience, I have observed that you can always get more than you need from every interaction with a little politeness. 

Though we are interdependent on one another, we are not directly responsible for the well-being and safety of the next person. However, with a little politeness and mutual respect, you will find out that most people will be willing to go the extra mile to just ensure your safety and well-being.

Optimistic naiveté

You may consider me too optimistic and somewhat naive of the way of the world, and that may very well be true. But, let me ask this question: what has the vicious cycle of rudeness and pessimism (not that they go together) brought? Not much good.

So, the next time you meet someone you want to help or get help from, just remember that being kind is always the best option. Try to be the other person in that situation and always be mindful that the other person is no different from you.

Let’s help each other reach the heights that we aspire to and together enjoy life to the fullest!

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