How To Relate With Angels In Our Lives

Original photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Life is a journey and in this journey we only know our starting point. Generally, what we all don’t know is our destination. How do you get to a place you don’t know? It is always difficult to go to a place you have no idea about. Do you know that having a good relationship with the agents that God sends to you is important for your success in life? As believers, more often than not, we don’t get on well with the people God brings into our lives to help us in life’s journey. Our inability to get along with the agents that God sends our way can be a major reason behind some of the failures we see in our lives. To position ourselves for success in life, these agents of God who may be our fellow men or actual angels, require our special attention.

Get out of there!

Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you.

Genesis 12:1 (New King James Version)

From the above verse, God instructed Abram to move from his father’s house. That’s, Abram knew where to start his journey from, but he didn’t know exactly what his destination was. I am convinced this is the case for many of us. We know where we are today, but we don’t know where we are going.

Every journey involves interacting with many people along the way. Our ability to get to our destinations is dependent on our capacity to relate well with people we meet on the way. In other words, the degree to which we can see certain people as sent from God is the same degree to which we can live a fulfilled life. God knows our destination and He does not hesitate to plant certain people in our way to bring us help.

I will go on to describe three ways you can position yourself to benefit from the angels God sends to you.

1. Be spiritually sensitive  

Abraham had an extraordinary relationship with God. This deep relationship increased his spiritual sensitivity. We must focus on developing our relationship with God to sharpen our spiritual senses.

and said, “My Lord, if I have now found favor in Your sight, do not pass on by Your servant. And He said, “I will certainly return to you according to the time of life, and behold, Sarah your wife shall have a son.” (Sarah was listening in the tent door which was behind him.) Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, “After I have grown old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?”​​​​

Genesis 18:2-3, 10, 12 (New King James Version)

Being spiritually sensitive is key to relating well with the agents that God will always send into your life. Abraham saw three men and immediately knew that these men were not ordinary men but agents of God. Abraham related with these men as agents of God who may make a significant contribution to his life’s journey. 

Certainly, he knew that these men were special and had no doubts whatsoever about the word of prophecy delivered by them. This was because he was quick to detect that the men were sent by God. However, Sarah didn’t relate with these men as agents of God on assignment and despised the word of prophecy which was delivered by the men. I believe the primary reason Sarah laughed at the prophecy is the fact that she was not aware that the men were of God. Indeed, she was old at the time and thus felt incapable of giving birth. Nonetheless, I am confident that if she was able to see that the men were of God, like Abram, she’d have faith and wouldn’t have scoffed.

2. Treat them with honor 

Please remember that Abraham saw men in the flesh, and I suspect he hadn’t seen them anywhere before. Despite that, because he was able to identify the men for who they really were, the next important thing he did was to honor them.

So he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing by him; and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground

Genesis 18:2 (New King James Version)

From the above verse, Abraham quickly run to them to make obeisance. He showed them respect by bowing himself to the ground. All through the time they stayed with Abraham, he maintained this respect for these men and treated them with love. Even after hosting the men, Abraham didn’t just leave them to go but went on to see them off. Paul encourages us to give honor where honor is due, and we must learn to do just that (see Romans 13:7). There are people that come into our lives that we must honor. As long as we honor such people, we will get the blessings that comes along with that.

3. Bless them

So he took butter and milk and the calf which he had prepared, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree as they ate.

Genesis 18:4-8 (New King James Version)

When the men granted Abraham the opportunity to host them, he grabbed the chance with his two hands and made the most out the short time he spent with them. That’s, Abraham took advantage of the opportunity in the best possible way. Oh, how we would gallop in life if only we would learn to bless the people we are supposed to bless.

Abraham saw a chance to bless the men. He pleaded with the men for an opportunity to host them and the men, in turn, did not deny Abraham’s request. The men allowed Abraham to prove himself and show his character.

Abraham gave them water to wash their feet, food to eat and a place to rest. It was his friendly and generous reception of these strangers that inspired them to deliver the prophecy concerning Isaac. It was during their stay with Abraham that they prophesied and said that Sarah would give birth to a son. The word of prophecy delivered by the men came to pass and Sarah gave birth to Isaac.

How I Met My Wife

Many years ago, in high school, I met a guy named Alexander Asare under desperate situations. He helped me out and we became friends. After school, we kept in touch and I made sure to uphold the friendship with the level of respect it deserved. I would send gifts to Alex and he’d do same.

One day, Alex introduced me to a lady I only knew as Gifty Anku. I didn’t take her number and went my way. Later, I was moved to get in touch with her and guess who was the only person I knew could help? Alex! You got that right.

Alex helped me get in touch with Gifty and after six months, she became Mrs. Gifty Amponsah-Brako. I cannot begin to tell you how much Gifty has been a blessing to me. However, I can tell you that the stranger I met many years ago, has something to do with my status in life today.

Beware of strangers!

Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.

Hebrews 13:2 (New King James Version)

Paul encouraged us to be careful with the way we deal with strangers because some of them may be angles carrying our blessings. It’s a risk to disregard the agents that God sends to us. If we don’t handle strangers with care, we may be in jeopardy of losing our blessings. You’d never know as these agents may carry the answers to our prayers so we must be mindful how we treat them.

We must learn to carefully relate with strangers because we may be dealing with the agents (either men or angels) of God sent to us with great blessings. I pray that you will learn to say, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” (Matthew 23:39).

Our lives would be better if we knew how to relate with the agents of God in our lives. Please remember that it’s only when we are able to relate well with the agents of God in our lives that we would be able to excel in life and reach our destinations. 

Let’s keep the fire burning until the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!

One Reply to “How To Relate With Angels In Our Lives”

  1. Wonderful write up. Full of godly wisdom ad admonition. God bless and increase you for the journey ahead

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