Return To Your First Love

Original photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Love is delightful and the beginning of almost all relationships is characterized by true love which flows like a stream. It is so basic to the sustenance of every relationship, yet has the ability to grow deeper and stronger as is expected of all relationships. It is the responsibility of the parties involved in a relationship to ensure that their love grows since love reduces in intensity when it is not properly nurtured. This means love can be weakened when appropriate steps are not taken to ensure its growth. It is important to note that love can be choked by other things that are not primarily good for its development. When we do not focus on the right things in a relationship, the shared love is likely to suffer in one way or another. 

Lessons from rebuke

Many believers start their relationship with God with a yearning to always be in His presence. They begin with so much passion for God but unfortunately, some are not able to maintain their thirst or hunger for God. Eventually, their desire begins to fade. Why is the love of many failing? I will answer this question using the church at Ephesus as an example.     

“To the angel of the church of Ephesus write, ‘These things says He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands: “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; “and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary. 

Revelation 2:1 (New King James Version)

Christ instructed John the apostle to write to the church at Ephesus. The reason was, first, to commend the church for their works and secondly, to point out certain issues He had with the church. Christ was motivated by His love for the church at Ephesus to draw their attention to what was lacking. He was not just interested in highlighting the issues that He had with the church but recognized their efforts as well. His intent was for the church to be complete so He indicated to them what they needed to do to be on the same wavelength with God. That’s also to say that His interest was for them to work on what was missing so they would score 100% before God.  

Let love lead the way

Too often, people are driven by pride when pointing out the faults of others. It is as though they rejoice over the failings of others. When we are motivated by love to help others to deal with their weaknesses, then we will do it in the spirit of meekness, bearing in mind that we are also vulnerable to the same weaknesses. It is pride and arrogance that makes people think they are not susceptible to the weaknesses of others. Paul said “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12 NKJV).  We must never think of ourselves as being better or stronger than others. Rather, we must be motivated by love to always commend others and with the same principle of love, help them identify and overcome their frailties when necessary.

I know your works, show me your love

Christ acknowledged and commended the church at Ephesus for their works. The works only represented what the church at Ephesus did for God. Similarly, it is possible for a believer to be active in church, and that may very well be the only thing he or she has to show for his Christianity as far as works go. Nonetheless, a believer can be busy with church activities and yet without love. Many sacrifice their Sundays by going to church, working for God, preaching for God, singing for God, building for God, ushering for God, winning souls for God, and may do other things for Him as well. All these things demonstrate our works for God and He is pleased when we do things for Him. The interesting thing about works is that it is done outwardly and everybody can attest to it. Paul said “having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” (2 Timothy 3:5 NKJV). The works merely depict a form of godliness and thus, we must not be obsessed with them because they can mislead us, and even interrupt our love pursuit of God. 

“Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.”Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place–unless you repent. 

Revelation 2:4-5 (New King James Version)

Although the church at Ephesus had concrete works going for them, Christ still had an issue with the church. They had lost their love for God! It means the church was so much preoccupied with their works to the point that their love for God was diminished. Interestingly, they didn’t even realize that their love for God had decreased. I suspect the church at Ephesus were surprised that Christ addressed their failing love for God, particularly because they had works to show for it. That notwithstanding, Christ still told the church at Ephesus that their love for God had reduced. Simply put, their desire to fellowship with God was lost as they were overtaken by their desire for the works. Indeed, their works had become a distraction for their love pursuit of God and Christ felt the need to let them know exactly that! They failed to place love in its supreme place in their relationship with God.

True love in action

The first sign of genuine love is fellowship. Our love for God must be characterized by a desire to be with Him. In other words, our love for God should be demonstrated by our desire to spend time with Him. Our eagerness to be with and to commune with someone, goes a long way to show the love you have for that person. Our works will have no value when we don’t spend time with God. Hence, our works for God must necessarily be dependent on what God puts into our heart through fellowship with Him. To put it another way, if what we do for God in public is not founded on what we do with Him in private, then our works will have no weight before God. 

People do things in the open for God but do nothing with Him in private. For instance, many people stand behind the pulpit to preach for God yet they have not learnt to stay in constant fellowship with Him behind closed doors. This is because such people prefer to be with the audience than God. What we do with God is related to our personal reading of the Word, prayer, praise and fasting. When we read the Word and pray, we are fellowshipping with Him. When we praise, we are fellowshipping with Him. When we fast, we are fellowshipping with Him. Remember, what we do with God is more important than what we do for God. Christ was interested in the church at Ephesus adding the love dimension to their works. Having works for God is not the same as loving Him. Our marriages and relationships would be better if we can consistently apply the love dimension to it.  

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?

Psalm 42:2 (New King James Version)

One of David’s greatest desires was to be in the presence of God. He had a hunger and a longing to be with God. Being with God helped David to know Him more and to trust in Him. Similarly, a thirst within our hearts to be with Him will enable us to pursue and know Him more. This will certainly generate calmness within us knowing that God is with us.  

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? —unless indeed you are disqualified. 

2 Corinthians 13:5 (New King James Version)

Regular examination of ourselves will help us identify if we are growing in our love for God or not. It is therefore imperative that we constantly pause to take stock of our Christian lives. That is, we have to check to see if there are areas where we are failing so that we can work on them. Without proper check-ups, we can be lost without knowing and this can be dangerous for us.    

As believers, the call for us to return to our first love is important as this will enable us to keep our focus on our love for God. It will help us not to stray away from God and still think that we love Him. The basis for everything we do for God must be love and nothing else. We are humans and we are likely to be swollen-headed when we see our works or hear the praises of men because of our works. Paul said “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13 NKJV). Our desire to love God must be above all other desires of life. We must maintain our longing for God to keep our relationship growing from strength to strength. 

what we do with God is more important than what we do for God

With this in mind, I encourage you to feed your love for God through reading of the Word, praying, praising and fasting. I pray that the grace to constantly pursue your love for God will rest upon you in the name of Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Let’s keep the fire burning until the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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