The Treasonous Man and His Forgiveness


Treason and forgiveness

Treason is a grave crime involving the betrayal of one’s country or people and it often carries the highest penalty in any nation. Usually, the sentence for being found guilty of treason is death. Indeed, in many countries, treason carries the penalty of death. On the other hand, forgiveness is a kind of mercy that mitigates the weight of a sentence upon determination of guilt. Treason and forgiveness are rarely seen in the same context. It is uncommon for the state to forgive a person who is convicted of treason. However, the probability of receiving forgiveness after committing a crime as grave as treason is not zero. It can happen, but hardly!

Why is treason so difficult to forgive?

A king is the chief administrator of his domain and a government is setup to govern a nation. The protection of a nation and welfare of its citizens is the responsibility of the government and it is a sacred responsibility. Hence, any attempt to undermine the government in a way that endangers the citizenry or the existence of that nation is treasonous and often punishable by death upon determination of guilt. In fact, the impact of treason can be existential for the life of a nation or its people. So, it can be difficult to pardon anyone who wishes to destroy any nation. What do you think?

Besides, forgiveness doesn’t come easy to us as human beings, especially when there is betrayal involved. What’s that saying: to err is human, to forgive is divine? The simple truth is betrayal breaks trust, and mutual trust is the very thing that allows us to coexist peacefully. As such, whenever trust is breached, forgiveness is rarely the go-to response. When a person decides to commit treason, he decides to break the highest form of trust in any context. It could be a partner breaking his/ her marital vows, a treacherous business ally or close friend or an officer of the government betraying the public. Regardless of the scenario, death, rather than forgiveness, generally follows.

Man Ltd.

Man is a unique specimen in all of nature. Humans are capable of intelligence and creativity that surpasses any known creature’s on the planet. Mankind is the finest of everything that exists. Our imagination has filled the world with wonders! It is how our Maker intended it to be and I must say, He did a fine job! The question, however, is is this all our Creator imagined for us? Well, what will be your answer if I asked you is there more you could be doing than you are doing now? I guess our Creator wanted more for us too! So, why do we struggle so much to achieve so little? Hm. Since only the manufacturer knows the limits of his product, we better ask our Maker, popularly called God.

God created us to function as part of Him, not apart from Him. As such, any time we decide to operate without Him, we end up performing way less than our true potential. Why does this happen? Treason!


Man is definitely not source to himself. We are not self-sustaining no matter how hard we try. God, our Maker, intended for us to eternally function together with Him as one. But, whenever we have the opportunity to choose this partnership, we do not. Matter of fact, we would prefer anything else, as long as it is not God. Would a child bite the hand that feeds him? Yet, we have bitten God’s hand and betrayed His trust. Still, He offers forgiveness.

How have we betrayed God? you may ask. Hm, let’s see. Do you remember the last time you acknowledged God for your very life? Have you said in your heart there is no God? Do you think in your heart that everything is about you? When was the last time you searched for God? How do you live your life: for yourself or God? Where is God in your list of priorities? Don’t worry if you fall short. God offers forgiveness!


God’s forgiveness is perfect but not unconditional. When a man commits treason, he is destined for death. However, the leader of his nation can intervene and change the death sentence into life imprisonment with a possibility of release to participate in the full life of the nation, if he will confess his guilt and promise not to do that ever again. It is up to the man to take this deal or not.

This is a similar scenario with God, although not many see this. It is essentially our one chance to jump back into partnership with our Maker and to unlock our full potential. But, the question is will you take this offer or will you let it go?

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