What It Means To Think Right—pt. 1


In my previous posts, I asked two questions: When You Sit To Think What Comes To Mind? and Who Do You Think You Are? In the former, I hinted on the significance of thinking as a process. Furthermore, I invited you to ponder or reconsider how you can implement it in your life. The only cost is the time invested. With the latter, I briefly explored how thinking influences the outcomes of life and introduced the concept of thinking right as opposed to thinking positive. In this series, What It Means To Think Right, I intend to expand on the other benefits of thinking right.

The first reason I gave to encourage you to consider going the path of thinking right all the time, rather than positive, is character building (see Who Do You Think You Are?). Natively, thinking positive always is undermined by life not being consistently upbeat. However, thinking right allows you to find the right perspective to overcome a downturn, and not merely try to smile simply because you have to stay positive. Hence, you are not forced into pretense!

Pretending does not build character

Any life built on pretense will crumble when faced with truth. That is why it’s a good idea to not give in to any form of hypocrisy (see Break The Chains Of Hypocrisy And Step Into A New Life With Self-honesty), and thinking right helps! Let’s remind ourselves. What is thinking right?  Thinking right is maintaining a righteous position in your mind about anything. Anything means no exceptions. Also, by this definition, there is a requirement to constantly interface with truth in your thinking. To put it in another way, thinking right means protecting your mind from lies.

In the very short life I have lived so far, I have noticed that it is easier to lie than to keep to truth—much more so is lying to one’s self. Self-deception is rife in our society because it’s easier to lie than to accept and practice truth. Interestingly, every opportunity to stay on the side of truth is another chance to drift into lying. Often, this makes life complex. But, who wants a complicated life? I’ll bet you don’t. Neither do I. What then is the solution?

Thinking right

Like I mentioned earlier, consistently upholding truth is in-built into practicing thinking right. How? Let me try to draw you a linear chart of how this works and then share with you a principle I learnt that will be helpful. Here we go. Truth feeds thinking right. This leads to making right choices—I will share more about this later. Right choices reinforce right actions and right actions, right outcomes. Right outcomes reveal more truth which circles back into thinking right. I should probably insert a diagram. But, regardless, I hope you get the picture.

To round up our conversation today, I will share with you one principle/thought to start or help you on your journey. Truth is self-preserving and protects all of its practitioners. Thus, just as truth is protective of itself, anyone who deliberately practices it enjoys its protections. In the least, thinking right will guarantee you don’t walk in self-deception.

That’s it for today friends. I’ll be back with another one next time. Do enjoy life to the fullest, knowing and practicing thinking right!

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