Who Do You Think You Are?


I am a giant killer, mountain leveler, conqueror, victor, overcomer, champion. Who do you think you are? What is it that defines you in your thinking? When you think of you, what do you consider as your most outstanding/definitive feature? Is that thing based on your will, emotions or intellect? Or, is it your character? Come on, I am sure you have something in mind. In my last post on Motivated, I signaled on the importance of thinking as a process. In this one, I am going to go a tad further and delve into why thinking is personality-defining. As this is an entry for Motivated, I will be brief.

You are the sum of your thinking

As far as I can tell, the way you think about a situation/problem goes a long way into providing a solution or worsening it. If you are like me, then you have probably found out the hard way that thinking the right way about anything is as important as the actions you take following that. If your thinking is wrong, you’ll have to be extremely lucky to turn out the right outcomes. Some will call this “having the right perspective”. Regardless, just as our circumstances can benefit from us thinking right, your personality and future respond to your thinking as well. So, don’t waste your ability of thinking. Instead, use it to improve your chances of a better personality and future. Thinking is probably the most important human superpower and your life is defined by its cumulative sum. Really? Yes!

There is a rhythm and progression to thinking that always actively or passively ends in a choice or action. If you take time to sincerely consider your life and break it down carefully, you’d quickly realize that the place you find yourself at this very moment is a result of a cascade of thinking processes. Thinking that led to several choices and actions that has brought you where you are at this very moment. Do you realize that?

Thinking positive is good, thinking right is better

If you were sincere with the exercise in the previous section, then you have come to the conclusion of the subtitle of the previous section as well—You are the sum of your thinking. If you haven’t, I’d recommend you try it again. You will be tempted to blame others, but ask yourself this after you have blamed them:When I had the opportunity to decide and then act, were they responsible for my thinking or was I? If you haven’t been in charge of your thinking or are still not, then that is the first step for you. If, indeed, you control your thinking, then I welcome you to take a step from being a positive thinker to a right thinker. You, myself and the rest of the world would benefit immensely if you can start and continue to think right.

Why should you be a right thinker? I will give you one reason. Thinking right builds character. Thinking right is about maintaining a righteous position in your mind about anything. It’s a simple concept, and there are many benefits to this way of thinking. But, I will emphasize one now, and then deal with others later.

Thinking right provides the best foundation for personality building and makes one better suited to handle the changing seasons of life and its corresponding obstacles and delights. In contrast, thinking positive always is a position that is undermined by an intrinsic bias to be constantly upbeat regardless of surrounding conditions. This is draining, a slow killer. Not too fast though, thinking right is challenging, but well worth it.

Shall we continue in another post? I have exceeded my limit here but I will do well to add more meat on what we have started previously and continued here in the next post. See you in the next one!

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