Why The Church Needs To Rise Up In Prayer: The House Of Prayer

Photo by Amaury Gutierrez on Unsplash

There’s always been a purpose for any structure that has ever been erected. For any house, the owner decides its purpose. Those that want to use that house or the facilities within must use it in light of the owner’s intended purpose. Using the house while disregarding the owner’s purpose for putting up the house can be detrimental.

Isaiah, the Prophet, spoke about the fact that the house of the Lord will be called the house of prayer. That implicitly suggests that the Lord’s house shall be a place where people would go to learn about prayer and more importantly to pray. The Prophet only declared what was the owner’s intention for putting up that house. The Lord, our God, intended for his house to be used for prayer!   

Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.

Isaiah 56:7 (King James Version)

Isaiah was only a messenger who spoke about the Lord’s house of prayer. Jesus, the one who happens to be owner of the house was on earth himself and He did speak about His house. Jesus reminded us about the purpose of His house by pointing to the prophecy delivered by Prophet Isaiah. Jesus reiterated that His house shall be the house of prayer. That means, prayer is the most important purpose of the Lord’s house.

 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. 

Matt 21:13 (King James Version)

The reference Jesus made to the message delivered by Isaiah was particularly for emphasis. As you may know, the essence of emphasis here is to clarify the value or importance the Lord attaches to prayer. In other words, His goal was to ensure that we understand the place of prayer in His scheme of things.

Unfortunately, Prayer meetings are the smallest and least attended meetings in our churches today. The enthusiasm with which we organize Sunday services, conferences, seminars and other church activities cannot be compared to that of prayer meetings.

Pastors must take charge of prayer meetings in their churches rather than delegating this essential responsibility to others.

Pastors must take charge of prayer meetings in their churches rather than delegating this essential responsibility to others. Interestingly, any meeting that the pastor does not take charge of, members equally do not attach much importance. Jesus, who is the owner and landlord of the house says His house shall be called the house of prayer. Pastors do not own His house. Pastors are only caretakers of the Lord’s house and therefore have no business in changing the purpose of the Lord’s house.

we cannot continue to make excuses for our inability to either organize or attend regular prayer meetings. The time to change is now!

It is a risk to change the purpose of the Lord’s house. Of course, I can understand the difficulty of both pastors and members with prayer. It is more difficult to organize a prayer meeting than it is to organize a Sunday service, conference, seminar or other meetings. I’ll repeat this. It is more difficult to attend a prayer meeting than it is to attend a Sunday service, conference, seminar or other meetings. But we cannot continue to make excuses for our inability to either organize or attend regular prayer meetings. The time to change is now!

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