You Get Out Of Your Life As Much As You Put In

“If there’s one thing I am willing to bet on, it’s myself.”


Though not explicitly stated, Don’t Stand On The Sidelines: Get Involved was my way of encouraging you to take advantage of the law of reciprocity. Your life is essentially an investment where everything you put in comes back to you over time. Some people understand this as Karma which simply says what goes around comes around. This law is really universal and I believe that there is some version of it in your cultural context. While the seeming popularity of this law puts it in the common sense category, I won’t be surprised to find out that only few pay heed to it or its implications.

Introduction to self-investment

Today, as you read this, you are one of the few that would see this law from a different perspective and I hope you act to take full advantage of it. Self-investment or betting on yourself is very important because you have to make sure number one is well taken care of, and who is number one? You are! I will definitely expand on this in a more elaborate write up to give you more angles on this law. For now, let me just reinforce this point as directly as possible—you get out of your life as much as you put into it!

If you put in time and commit resources to develop a vision and plan for your life and put in the effort required to reach the dreams you have, overcoming the obstacles and breaking through the barriers, you will reap the benefits and rewards associated with treading that path. It’s not magic! Just fact. Success is predictable because there is a price for it. If you can challenge yourself to pay the price for your success, you will get it!

Now, the only question that is left to be answered is: will you put in the time, effort, commit your resources and pay the price to reach your goals?

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