Bingo! You’ve Got Something To Offer This Year


For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”

Matthew 13:12 (NKJV)

This year—2022—will be a great year for anybody who wishes it so. I pray that it is delightfully memorable for you. I know the pandemic has slowed down a lot for many people but like it’s said: delay is not denial. There is always a choice in there and time and opportunity will keep moving from person-to-person and place-to-place. The question I want to ask you is this: “which position will you take?” 

I want to remind you to start this year positively with a lot of hope and careful optimism. It’s a year to put yourself out there and trust God to take care of the details that concern you. I will not stop drumming this sound to make sure you do not lose your footing or even better, to ensure that if you were to miss a step you will still not let any significant advantage pass by you—the Lord is our helper.

As this is an entry for Motivated, I will go straight to the point with the verse above before I am out of designated space.

The haves and have-nots

The world has made it a point to classify people into haves and have-nots. Unfortunately, many people have become attached to this idea and ended up as victims instead of victors. I am not going to pretend I know all about your background and tell you how to live your life. But, I will ask this question: “don’t you think it’s about time you saw yourself as someone who has something to offer?” 

Though it may not be apparent, every person born into this realm comes with their designated roles. I have a role to play and you have a part to play as well. It may not be clear in the beginning to you but once you take a step of faith in the direction where you feel a deep calling or desire to function, you earn clarity! The smoke screens clear and you begin to walk by revelation of purpose. You become convicted over time and your relevance is displayed for all to see.

Step up your game and win big

I know this may sound cliché. However, since it is the truth, I will reiterate anyway “you have got something to offer!” You may not have money but you are not a have-not. You still have energy to make a difference. If you are thinking you’re weak, then this is a reminder that you’ve got time to get strong. You are not strong? No worries, use your wits. It is time to bring your skills to bear! Someone called you useless, this is your moment to prove them wrong. Show them you’re worthy and loved. Indeed, you are loved by God—the most important person in the whole universe. Doesn’t that put a smile on your face? 

You have got something to offer and this is your year of unveiling. Make God, your family, your friends, open and secret admirers proud of what you eventually become “for whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance…”

It’s time for your abundance. Don’t miss out!

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