Act Now: Knowing Is Not Enough


“For as the body without the spirit is dead,
so faith without works is dead also”

James 2:26 (NKJV)

In my last few posts, I have been writing on the theme of faith. What It Means To Have Faith, Open Your Eyes And See All You Can Become, Why You Need To See Through Your Mind’s Eye, Success Is A Faith-based Venture And It’s For Everybody, Success Is The Reward For Faith and Trusting God Through Your Worries are all titles that explore faith or show its different angles and highlights its relevance to success.

If you have been following closely, you may have come to see faith in a different light or at least deepened your understanding of it in some way. It has been my hope since I started thinking and writing more about faith and its success correlation to bring you to a place of strong faith: knowing absolutely that as long as your faith is intact, anything is possible. Yes, anything!

A place of action

Today, I want to bring you to a place of action. My reason is simple, as always. You need action to show your faith is alive. In other words, the proof of what you see and believe is possible can be seen expressly in what you do. When it comes to faith, there is no room for empty words or bluffing, only doing!

Say a friend of yours comes to you and shares his dream of becoming an athlete. Now, you know this friend and nothing about him gives you the confidence to support that dream immediately. However, on a couple of occasions after he tells you that, you see him at 5 am or 5 pm training rigorously on a track. What do you think will happen to you afterwards? You will probably begin to box your doubts about him and start giving that friend the chance he deserves. You may even volunteer some assistance when it come to it.

Faith begets faith

We cannot see what lies in a person’s heart or the vision he has in the absence of action. We need to see something! Anything that screams “I believe”, by way of performance, will ignite faith and spur us to action too. After all, “action and reaction are equal and opposite”. Faith begets action which generates faith which begets action again and builds trust.

Today may not have been kind to you or gone your way or whatever. Possibly, many things have been out of your control. With the pandemic going around, I can imagine how dispirited and let down people are and perhaps you have thought of giving up on your vision. Nonetheless, I am here to tell you it’s time to act and get going. Don’t let what has happened stop you from doing something that could help you see what could happen. Keep your faith alive. Get the information you need and act now. Go past what is done and focus on what you see ahead—the next day, next week, next month or next year may be when your faith finally pays off big-time. Get in the fight and push forward. It’s not over until it’s all over. There is yet success waiting up ahead for you. Go get it!

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