Trusting God Through Your Worries


“Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving,
let your requests be made known to God;
and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJV)

The above verse seems impossible to follow when all hell breaks loose on you. Human as we are, we often find ourselves in situations that are beyond our control. Sometimes those out-of-hands circumstances make it difficult for us to even focus on the things that we can actually deal with and become very successful at. Such tight spots usually starts off by getting us confused, a state where we lose clarity and perspective. Confusion causes forgetfulness: we suddenly become unaware of the past challenges we overcame and the future goals we want to attain. Once you forget, ingratitude sets in and sourness follows. At this point, you are not thinking properly and your emotions are all over the place. Even your body’s chemical balance becomes disturbed and then you are in full anxiety mode.

Anxiety is a disease

Anxiety makes you worry about things that may not happen and forces you to overthink everything or act in ways that you normally would not. In the end, a simple problem becomes complicated and you’re in a deeper hole than before. Unfortunately, anxiety doesn’t stop there. While it pushes you further down that hole, your fears begin to increase and doubt becomes abundant. You may even doubt the very things you know to be absolutely true! Today, we find many people that are paranoid, experience panic attacks or have phobias they are struggling to deal with. All of these chronic conditions are connected to anxiety. You see, anxiety is not just about worrying, though worrying is a symptom of it. Being anxious can do so much damage to your psychological, emotional and physical states. Anxiety is an effective crippling force that can stop you right in your tracks and leave you helpless, hopeless or suicidal.

The antidote

Fortunately, this is nothing new. Yes, anxiety is an old problem that keeps resurfacing because it is potent at derailing us from our dreams and can make us lose our sanity. But, there’s an antidote. Yes, you can actually go all the way to reach your dreams and full potential without worrying. You can have your mind protected from the insults of anxiety and keep your sanity and awareness all the way to the top. Oh yes, there is a way to live anxiety-free. You can completely avoid anxiety’s symptoms or effects just by taking the antidote—trust God.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding”

Proverbs 3:5 (NIV)

Let perfect peace reign

Whereas the triggers—entry points into your mind and life—for anxiety may be many, the simple truth is that at its core, anxiety is the absence of peace. If you are agreeable to this then I will add that to absolutely get rid of anxiety, you need perfect peace. Who do you think can give you perfect peace? The answer is in Philippians 4:7. Yes, you figured it out, GOD!

You see, the problem is not that we cannot have perfect peace. No, not at all. The problem is that, most of the time, we live our lives far from it.

Answer me this. Do you want to be successful without losing your sanity? Do you want to escape worrying and fear? Are you tired of having panic attacks? Do you want to give your confidence a boost about your dreams? Do you really want a life free from anxiety? If yes, then it’s about time something changed. It’s time to start building trust in God because he is the only one who gives us the peace we need to overcome all our anxiousness.

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