Dreams Come True By Positive Aggression


Dreaming is not enough

In today’s Motivated, I will be rousing you up towards positive aggression. You need to show some aggression if you’re to reach your goals. You cannot expect that dreaming is enough. Yes, I’ll repeat. Dreaming is not enough. Having a vision or an idea doesn’t mean you’ll see an automatic manifestation. It takes a lot of effort to transform what we see in our mind’s eye to our naked eyes.

Dream big

I know I have encouraged you over and over again to have a vision. “Dream big” is the mantra. I have posted titles like Your Eyes Are For Vision And Vision For Success, Success Is A Faith-based Venture And It’s For Everybody and Yes! You Can Be Successful And Wealthy Too. Yes, having a dream or vision is always the first step to actualization. Without it, you’re not even in the race. If you want to change your circumstances from poor into rich, single to married, sad into happy, nobody to somebody or nothing to something, the titles above will help you see it’s possible. They will give you a roadmap to condition your mind for the journey. However, to see your dreams come true, you also need positive aggression.

Positive aggression

Positive aggression is applying yourself with every will and determination you can generate from your being. Where your being is your body, soul and mind. This is not just about focusing on achieving one thing every day to slowly get to your dreams. Rather, it’s about consistently maintaining that singular focus from the beginning till you see your dreams manifest.

Passivity is not an option

You have to be aggressive enough to do what is proper, necessary and expedient. You see yourself as a top athlete? Then, you need to be aggressive about how you approach your routines. You need to be ready to attack those goals you have and confront your limitations. Passivity is not an option if you really are serious about that dream. You cannot do the bare minimum and expect your fortunes to turn around. You need to apply brute force and sheer will.

Fight for your life

Dreams don’t come true because you had them. No! You need to aggressively challenge yourself at every sunrise till sunset. Every single day is a fight to reach your goals. Whether you want to be a top realtor, investor, employee, business executive, inventor, lawyer, doctor, entrepreneur, manager, mom, dad, son or daughter, you need to be forceful about it. Fight for your goals like your life depends on it!

Never give up

Your sincere struggle for success will bring you to it as you persist and persevere daily. Giving up is not an option when you’re in a struggle for your life. No matter the challenges or obstacles, you have to find a way to keep going. Otherwise, you will be held back from the success you so much desire.

Today, I challenge you to a duel with your dreams and vision, and pray you come out the victor at your set time!

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