How To Win When Nothing Seems To Work


In this post, I just want to address the disappointments and challenges that make life very interesting. Life is full of many obstacles that can make us want to give up on any path we choose—whether it’s a dream, business, building or breaking a habit, or really anything worth doing. The thing about obstacles, or even better, challenges, is that they are indiscriminate. What I mean by that is, at one point or another, regardless of who you are or your status in life, you will face them. Suffice to say that sometimes, who you are or your status in life may even increase the frequency at which you encounter obstacles. Nonetheless, winning requires that you master the art of overcoming challenges; however, I concur that isn’t always easy to do.

The thing about obstacles, or even better, challenges, is that they are indiscriminate.

Constantly meeting obstacles or facing challenges when trying to achieve something can be a drain on morale. It can cause sleepless nights and excessive stress. If you’ve ever dealt with serial disappointments, then you know the associated tears can be a serious drain on your energy, and even though you may want to move on, sometimes the helplessness is paralyzing. How about when you have labored so hard and put in a lot of sweat only to be told NO in the end?

Here are 5 points I think may be helpful when you face such times. I trust that these points will be helpful to you if: you’ve been applying for many jobs but still getting no positive replies, you are homeless and don’t know where your next meal is going to come from but are determined to make something out of yourself, every business you start seems to fail or you’re trying to quit a habit but can’t seem to make it. Whatever you situation, if you’re saying to yourself or feeling “I don’t want to give up yet”, then these are going to be helpful.

Every win, starts from within.

1. You have to be steadfast.

Being steadfast in belief of yourself or your goals doesn’t mean not failing or not being disappointed or rejected. As a matter of fact, the word steadfast means “resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering”. You see, it has nothing to do with the external surroundings or environment. I understand having a good environment is always welcome but that is to be considered as a bonus. Honestly, at the pace the world is currently moving, increased hostility is actually to be expected. With that laid out, you have to understand that character is all that matters here— your character.

Fortunately, that is the one thing you can control. Hence, it goes without saying that being steadfast implies cultivating a resolute spirit. Every win, starts from within. You have to access the reason why you started what you want to accomplish in the first place. Then let it sink in deep. If you have to write it somewhere to keep it in your line of sight or memorize it or recite it frequently to let it sink in deep, just do it! Galvanizing your morale with the whys for what you want to achieve is essential to raise or maintain confidence, build faith and restore hope. It’s even better when the whys are concrete and immovable.

you have to understand that character is all that matters here

2. Remain patient and persistent.

The famous adage here is “Rome wasn’t built in day”. Allowing time to work for you is very important because when time works for you, everything falls in place. What does it mean to allow time to work for you? We all know that time is a constant that we cannot manipulate. Whereas that is a scientific fact, time carries within itself many opportunities that you can take advantage of. You see, just as with the passage of time empires rise and fall, babies grow older to become adults and the old pass away, the passage of time naturally presents opportunities. It is, thus, paramount to be patient— bide your time. Our world, has grown very impatient with the rise of the instant lifestyle. Don’t become a victim of that lifestyle. Learn to be patient. While you wait, you can go ahead and be persistent in point 3.

There is a time for everything, and a season
for every activity under the heavens

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (New International Version)

3. Be ready at a moment’s notice.

The key here is don’t be idle. Keep doing what you’ve been doing. If you’re a developer, for example, trying to build a platform, keep testing and refining it. Try your platform in different scenarios and optimize it for best results. Experiment with new components on the platform and wisely get second opinions. If you’re applying for a job, find ways of making your resume better, look out for what your employer may be interested in. Take some new courses if necessary, a skill upgrade is always advantageous. If you’re looking for love, get out there, make friends, get into groups that excite you and engage with participants. I trust by now you get the idea of the picture I’m painting? It is important you’re open to suggestions and don’t rule out good ones without attempting them.

The key here is don’t be idle.

4. Never stop praying.

I cannot emphasize this enough. It is absolutely important that you pray about whatever you’re doing. Prayer will strengthen your character—remember point 1? It will give you courage and keep you peaceful. You probably already know that a restless heart can’t accomplish anything. When you pray, you’re inviting God to intervene in your situation. This is more so relevant because you have no control of the action of others. Surrendering in prayer makes way for God to step in and control the things you definitely can’t control and empower you to be consistent with the things within your power. I can go on and on about why you must never avoid prayer in difficult times but I surmise you get the idea of the importance of prayer.

Surrendering in prayer makes way for God to step in and control the things you definitely can’t control and empower you to be consistent with the things within your power.

5. Happily distract yourself with a hobby.

Depending on who you are, you may be dismissive of this point or be very excited about it. What I want to say here it that life is beautiful. Take a pause from the hustle and hard work and spend some time with friends, hang out with your family or pick an instrument and play for fun’s sake. You see, when you’re focused on accomplishing a task, if you’re like me, you can be so concentrated on the task everything else disappears. I’ve come to realize that while this is good, in the bigger picture, your view can be narrow. Healthily distracting yourself with something you enjoy or someone you like to spend time with can correct this. It can also result in a whole new perspective or approach that may be an upgrade to your previous attempts. Chill out and have fun from time to time. It will be like taking a break to stretch your legs or relax your muscles. In the long run, you will enjoy the benefits.

Chill out and have fun from time to time.

I trust this will help or encourage someone out there. Always remember to live life to its fullest!

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