Three Things To Know About Philippians 4:13


I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me

Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

All over the world, this portion of scripture has become a mantra for Christians. We quote it to encourage ourselves when we’re faced with an impossible task—whether it’s starting a business, taking a difficult exam, going into an interview, starting out in marriage, the list goes on. We repeat it to reassure ourselves of the power of God behind us, supporting us to complete the task ahead. This verse is so popular, I am pretty sure many people quote it without knowing it’s from the book of Philippians. Not that it’s important to know this, but it speaks to the verse’s popularity.

Here, I am going to attempt to explain 3 things that you must definitely know about this verse so the next time you find yourself reciting it, it will carry more meaning. Even better, these explanations will give you more perspective on the verse so you can take full advantage of the power it carries. Are you ready? Let’s begin!

With this verse, looking at it from the New King James Version (NJKV) or other similarly translated versions can make it look plain. As a result, you may not see the strings attached to it. For a better understanding of Philippians 4:13, let’s examine it closely from the Amplified Bible (AMP).

I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]

Philippians 4:13 (AMP)

1. It’s not for everybody.

When you hear the quote in its plain form, it is very easy to confuse Christ with God and end up with a generalization that translates as “with God’s help, I can do all things”. Though it is true that with God’s help anything is possible, the verse stresses on Christ—as in Jesus Christ. The original orator of this quote is Paulthe apostle, and he made it very clear what his source of confidence was even while he was in prison. You see, Paul went about preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ till he was arrested and imprisoned. While in jail, he reassured the church in Philippi that he was doing great because his trust was in Jesus Christ. You may say “this is just a technicality”. Yes! an important one at that. From this, it follows then that if your trust is not laid in Christ in the first place, the verse doesn’t apply. The opposite is very true—if you’ve put your trust in Christ, then you’ve checked this box. Move to the next.

2. It’s purpose-specific.

This is probably straight-forward but I will elaborate to remove any confusion. The whole universe and it’s constituents are purpose-driven. That’s saying everything exists for a specific purpose. Now, it is important to note that while most things may be abused, their purpose doesn’t just disappear. Humanity is no exception. We are all born for a purpose and while we may waste time on irrelevant things, our purpose doesn’t just vanish. It waits behind the scenes, and every once in a while we get clues to them. Once you step into your purpose, you immediately activate something divine about your life because the origin of all human purpose is God. Even better is when you do this trusting in God to lead you to complete it. In that moment, the verse comes alive in your life—almost automatically. The opposite is true as well— when you lead a life uncharacteristic of God and his purpose for it, this verse just doesn’t work no matter how many times you say it!

We are all born for a purpose and while we may waste time on irrelevant things, our purpose doesn’t just vanish. It waits behind the scenes, and every once in a while we get clues to them.

3. It brings perfection.

I think this is a given. If you trust God and follow his purpose for your life, it is expected that you’ll trust him with any abilities you have. All abilities are first of all distributed by the Creator and even tough we may use it for other things, he is the one who perfects it. What do I mean here? If you have checked points 1 and 2, then this happens effortlessly. You see, when God gave you purpose, he also gave you abilities—tools you can call them— to complete your purpose. The more you move in the direction of your ordained purpose, the more you use up your abilities. Now, this can make you tired but God doesn’t want that. So, he additionally provides you the fuel you need to make it to the end. This allows you to refine and use your abilities continuously to perfection, and never get tired.

I trust these points will encourage and strengthen you through your walk in life. As you walk with the Lord, our God, don’t ever hesitate to use verses like this for your edification because he is for you and not against you. Also, remember to enjoy life to its fullest!

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