Positive Aggression: Power To Break Your Limitations


Positive aggression

In my last Motivated article, I introduced what I call positive aggression (see Dreams Come True By Positive Aggression). This is applying yourself to achieve whatever target you have in sight by generating, from within, the sheer will and determination to do so. I mentioned that while having a vision (see Yes! You Can Be Successful And Wealthy Too) gives you a roadmap to attain the success you want, positive aggression serves as fuel towards that end.

Mind force

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

Jesus, the Christ

There’s not a lot you can do without willpower. Harnessing the power of the mind (or your spirit), to take courageous steps towards reaching your dream despite obvious obstacles, is always necessary. You need your mind’s force to enable you to consistently push towards your daily targets and overcome excuses that impede success. Those who do this attain their most coveted results.

Limitations are excuses

Most people never become successful because of their “limitations”, reasons why they cannot do this or that. They hang those constrains around their necks and refuse to see beyond them. But, you, are not one of them.

At best, limitations are the permissions we give ourselves to not pursue our dreams. In the worst case, they are “legitimate” excuses that, again, hold us from our destiny.

What’s your story?

If we look hard enough, we can definitely find enough reasons why we cannot do the things that will bring us success. Whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, your personality, gender, country, lack of money, education, this or that, there’s always going to be a “genuine” reason for your inability to be successful.

So, what’s your story? Why are you not going after your dreams? What’s your excuse for doing the bare minimum? What’s your limitation?

Let’s make history

There are many lines that separate successful from unsuccessful people. One of them is the ability to break through limitations by sheer will and determination—positive aggression. Eventually, those who win in life are, or become, positively aggressive at one point or another. History is made by people who broke through all kinds of barriers. Barriers that were either innate or environmental. You may not believe this, but it’s true!

To join the long list of history makers who stood out in their family, community, country or the world, you need to attack those goals from today and confront your limitations.

You have a chance

I have met a lot of people who thought they didn’t stand a chance of having success in life. Their constraints were so many, that was all they could see. Sometimes, life can be like a tangled web of cables. Most people won’t put in the effort to untangle the cables and lay it out nicely, though they’d need to for connection. Usually, they don’t think the time and determination required are worth it until it’s too late. Don’t be like those people, be different.

Your constrains may be overwhelming, but your life and dreams are worth the time, efforts and determination. If you’re asking “can I really reach my dreams and join the long list of history makers?” My answer is “of course, you can do it!” You may not have everything, but you’ve got something. You’ve got your spirit’s power and determination. Start with that. Keep untangling the web of limitations. Soon enough, you’ll be living your dream!

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