Yes! You Can Be Successful And Wealthy Too


If I entered a room where you were seated among many other people and asked who wants to be successful and wealthy? Would you lift up your hands? I bet you would. The fact is this: everybody wants to be successful; but more than success, everybody wants to be wealthy. 

I don’t think I will ever find an individual who is hell-bent on becoming poor. Honestly, I don’t want to. That’s because there is nothing pretty about poverty and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Trust me, poverty is ugly. If you’ve been there, you probably know just how ugly it is. That’s exactly why I am so motivated to help you, as much as I do with myself, become successful and wealthy.

There is no reason for you to ever count yourself out of success and wealth as long as you can understand and implement these five core points I am going to share with you. Yes, I know you’ve probably seen a lot of pointers and steps, especially if you’ve been pursuing this path for a while. I promise you, however, that this is the most precise and direct method you’ll ever read through.

Without wasting any time at all, let’s break down the recipe to success and wealth.

1. See the life

Success and wealth is a destination that is co-mingled with vision. If you want to arrive at the top but cannot see the exact destination you’re headed, you’re lost from the get-go. It is important to see and in seeing, see very well. This is very important for several reasons of which the most important is summarized in this: seeing is believing. Yes, it is! This takes me to the next point.

2. Talk the talk

Before your thoughts wander off, this is not me telling you to brag or pretend to be rich by talking rich. Far from it. There is nothing good about pretending. Any form of pretense will only be a disruptor—it will compromise your integrity (check out this article: Break The Chains Of Hypocrisy And Step Into A New Life With Self-honesty). We don’t want that! This is me telling you to assimilate the mindset of the successful and wealthy. 

You need to understand how successful people think and process information. Through this understanding, you should start to talk to yourself. Condition your mind to get into that space. This will be the most important mind exercise you will do to get to the top. Don’t cut corners with this. Follow through till your subconscious mind recognizes and seamlessly transitions to the talk. This will take time but don’t skip it.

3. Walk the walk 

Again, I repeat, this is not: fake it, till you make it. Nothing good comes out of faking it. You should avoid any and all forms of pretense. It’s not worth the integrity cost. I know you want to get to success and wealth as fast as possible; but sacrificing valuables like integrity is never an option. So, don’t fake anything! Follow the process. (Check out this article: The Fastest Way To Personal Integrity)

What you should do here is act. Once you see your destination and have conditioned your mind to take the journey on, start the journey! You have to start acting. Have you wondered why 100 out of 100 people will raise up their hands when asked: who wants to be rich but only 1 out of a hundred ever becomes wealthy? The 1% that are successful act!

You see where you want to get to, you have prepared your mind to embark on the journey. Now, all you have to do is act. Get on with it. Don’t let fear of the road stop you. No! Get information as you travel. Know the road you’re walking on well enough to avoid the ditches and gutters. Make friends that are headed in the same direction and work together. Stay sharp and focused to avoid the foxes and conserve resources when or wherever possible. Get rest when you are tired and get back to the road when rested. Don’t wear yourself out.

Yeah, this is quite metaphorical, I’m aware of that. If the implementation is lost on you, let me help you with some tools. I am very passionate about you being successful and wealthy so here we go. 

Typically and practically, walking the walk for a large majority of people on this journey will include: reading books for information about how to be successful, especially on which pitfalls to avoid; working hard to generate high income, building a solid network of friends that are reliable, being frugal with money, saving significant portions of your income and investing wisely. It is important to exercise or stay active and rest when possible. You want more? I’ll give you more in a later post. For now, process this and let’s move on.

4. Measure the walk 

This is where you sit down and evaluate. A lot of people bypass this step because they think they can but you shouldn’t if you want to be successful. Usually, when you go on a long journey and you have a map, it is important to track back and see how much ground you have covered. 

This assessment allows you to determine how much further you have to go or figure out if you have enough resources to get you there. Measuring the walk will allow you to decide your next steps on the journey. Do you increase your speed? Do you stock up on resources? Do you rest? Do you get more friends into your travel band? Do you patch yourself up? This is where you check your inventory and decide on improvements. Don’t skip this step. In fact, do it for every 1 km (for my American readers, 1 mile) if possible.

Always remember to implement improvements!

5. Live the life 

This is what happens at the destination. When you are finally successful and wealthy, remember to live that life with the integrity that has served you through your whole journey and don’t forget to be grateful for all that you have achieved. Remember your travel band and help others get to where you are.

There are rich people who get to the top after they have sacrificed their integrity. Don’t be one of them. Such people have no fulfillment at the top for several reasons I won’t get into here.

Also, let me sound a word of caution on this last one. The only way to be actually able to live the life of the successful and wealthy once at the top is to practice that life during your journey. Your mind wandered off real fast there. No! Don’t fake it, till you make it; rather, practice. How? Like this. 

Enjoy the victories on the journey, celebrate the members in your travel band and congratulate them on their victories too. Practice gratitude in the small things like when someone: helps you up, shares their resources with you or advises you. Finally, help other travelers—that way you will know how to help others get to the top when you are there.

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