How To Respond To God’s Unfailing Love

Christ the Redeemer
Whenever love is not reciprocated, the consequence is a broken heart. God’s heart bleeds when we don’t respond to His love. Today, the hearts of many have become callous and wickedness in various forms can be seen all over the world. Why are people yet to respond to the unfailing love of God? Why are many Christians failing in their relationship with God, our Father? I believe it is because many have taken their eyes off the unfailing love of God.

Why The Church Needs To Rise Up In Prayer: Defense And Weapon of Attack

figurines holding weapons in attack motion
In this edition, we are going to look at the significance of prayer for the believer. Believer here covers anyone who identifies with the name of Jesus Christ. We will focus on two areas of the art of spiritual warfare: defense and attack. These are very direct components of combat; later, we may take a closer look and address more subtle parts like strategy.

How To Attract God’s Favor For Success In Life

bright light mountains lakes
I am pretty sure you are wondering now, how is humility related to success? Or perhaps asking, what has humility got to do with my promotion? The straightforward answer is this: God values humility and rewards it accordingly. ... Humility has the ability to attract the grace of God which essentially forms the basis for true success in life.

Revival Is In The Air: The Next Big Move Of God

worshipping God together
I saw an impending revival, but it will not start from the church. It will start from the homes of people. The people that will start the revival will start the revival from their homes or prayer closets. Those people will begin to have supernatural experiences from their homes. And it will spread to the church.