The King And His Prince: The Way To Victory And Glory—pt. 1

There’s a father in whom love prevails, always. We could argue today that the more we strayed away from the father, the closer he came. He searches for us, nurses us to health from sickness, prevents the devil from taking undue advantage of us, clothes us, gives rain and sun for food. All the while, working out his plan to restore us to our original position of authority and dominion.

The Unstrung Puppets— pt. 3

In the great show of life, we are each puppets among a larger group of other puppets and just as described earlier, we each have a purpose whether we accept it or not. To take it further, each purpose is uniquely puppet-specific. The analogy follows then that there should exist a master in the background who plays the role of the controller. But there is a catch, an important one at that, and it’s this.

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